Teresa C. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn- Hang in there. My surgery was to cancelled on 2/16/02. I was at the hospital and my white blood cells were to high to operate. I was devastated like you were too. It is so stressful because you wait for so long and the day finally comes and something happens. It is for the best because in my case I have the flu bug so I am very happy now that my doctor decided not to do the surgery because if he would of there could of been more complications. I was very disappointed and the depression set in for days however I thank God that they found out before they operated. I still don't have a re-scheduled date yet because I have to go back next week to re-do my blood work. Things happen for a reason and we just have to have faith that all will work out for the best. If you ever need to talk just send me a email and I will try to help out. I always tell people to keep smiling :) You take care and God Bless and I will be looking for your new date soon!!!!!!!!! Teresa

Dawn Y. 22 years, 7 months ago

No it isn't a terrible joke, just a horrible nightmare. My IV was in several injections had been given, the doc had come in and spoken with me and my husband. Then the anesthesioligist came in and was concerned that there might be some wheezing which might be a sign of an infection. (despite the fact that I'd been on antibiotics for the last week). Anyway, it will be 2-3 weeks at least before he can reschedule me. Right now I just want to crawl in a whole and die. I don't want to have to explain my failure to everyone and yet I will have too. Too bad I have nearly 100 co-workers, most of which know me. I am very angry right now with God. I had actually allowed myself to hope this time . . . should have known better. Sorry this is so negative, but I just don't have enough left in me to be cheery.

Margaret M. 22 years, 7 months ago

I am not 100% certain as I have not spoken with Dawn, but according to the staff at Bariatric Treatment Center in Ypsilanti, Dawn's surgery has been cancelled. No reason was given and I have not received any email from Dawn. My mind wants this to be a terrible joke. Please stop by Dawn's page and offer her some encouragement. Thank you AMOS family

Kelly K. Y. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn~~I hope you have a speedy recovery!!

Marla H. 22 years, 7 months ago

Best wishes Rhonda -- I know everything will go well! I got my surgery date at BTC in Wylie, TX today -- March 26th. Will keep you in my prayers!

Mary H. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn, Congrats on getting to this point in your journey. Good Luck tomorrow. I will keep you in my thoughts and pray for a smooth road on your way to & through THE LOSING SIDE! Good luck and God Bless

Renee B. 22 years, 7 months ago

May God bless you and keep you safe during you wls journey

Carolyn L. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn, congrats and best wishes. You have a wonderful journey ahead and I hope and pray that it all goes super well for you. God Bless. Luv ya, Carolyn

Sista G. 22 years, 7 months ago

Best wishes and prayers come your way! May the Lord God bless you, REAL GOOD! CONGRATS ON YOUR SURGERY!!!!

Margaret M. 22 years, 7 months ago

(\/) (\/) (\/)VERY SICK ANGEL HOVERING OVER...My lil Angelette, Dawn Yates is scheduled for her Open RNY tomorrow (02-22-02). So right now she is counting down the hours. Would you darling angels please stop by her surgery page and wish her well. Thank you AMOS family...you are the best. I am feeling better already. SMOOCHES!!!!!
About Me
Pullman, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2001
Member Since
