LORRAINE K. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dear Dawn~~~CONGRATULATIONS!!!!on your upcoming surgery. I am sorry that you are having such a stressful time. Try to focus on yourself and bring up your level of resolve and determination. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a successful procedure and an uneventful recovery. May God watch over you and inspire your surgeon to do great things for you. Be well. Lorraine

Donna L. 22 years, 7 months ago

I'm wishing you a safe, successful surgery and an uncomplicated, quick recovery. I had my Open RNY on Dec. 10, 2001 and I'm really happy that I did. I agree with so many postops, its the BEST thing I could have done for my health and well being. God bless you as you start your journey to a new you.

Anita B. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hey Dawn! Before the surgery is to me the hardest part, because no matter what people tell you, you are still gonna worry, be nervous, and want to consume everything that you can. I know because I did. I am now almost 4 weeks post-op, and I have not missed food a bit. I have had a couple of hard days, like Superbowl Sunday when the guys in my house had every type of junk food in the house and the smells made me want to kill them. It is good that your family is trying to change their habits to help support you, as well as to benefit themselves. I can tell you that I, too, was an emotional eater, and everytime I was upset before, I would run to the closest Taco Bell and spend almost $10 and make myself happy again. Now when I get upset, I either watch TV, or call someone to talk it out. Don't let anything hold you back, because you are doing this so that you may have a healthier, and smaller body. There will be temporary setbacks, and you will get upset sometimes, but just pray, pray, pray, and don't let anything get you down or hold you back, and try to remove yourself from potentially upsetting or uncomfortable situations. Do what your Dr tells you to do, TAKE YOUR VITAMINS, and I hope that your surgery goes well, and that you have a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted!!! I am just an e-mail away!

kcanges 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi Dawn: Congratulations on your surgery. We all go through this grief over food and that thing in us that says "don't waste". But after we get what we need from our food, the extra is wasted inside our bodies every bit as much as it is wasted by returning it to nature. The hardest thing as a post-op has been to throw away food that I can't eat. But I'm always so glad that I didn't eat it. Here's something to think about. When you use a tissue, you don't use every bit of the tissue, some of it goes to waste. But you're not mourning the wasted tissue. Food is only your friend as long as you need it. Then it's just another used tissue. Let it go and take the extra pounds with it. Good luck on your surgery. I'll be thinking of you next time I throw my extra food away.

GabbyMcB 22 years, 7 months ago

Hang in there you will be ok. The new life that awaits you is well worth the wait. I will keep you in my prayers.

Ellen H. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi Dawn. I wish I lived nearer to you so I could drive you to your surgery and give you a BIG HUG. I am sorry things are so hectic around your house. Don't worry about the crying, you are grieving your old way of life and eating, knowing that it will change shortly. Hope the surgery goes smoothly. Please take good care of yourself and keep us updated as to your progress when you get home.

Vanessa L. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hey Dawn!!! It's my turn to cheer YOU on!!! I hope that everything goes GREAT with your surgery! Don't forget...I've got you covered! LOL! Love, Vanessa

SARose61 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn...It's 11 days and counting. I still cant believe that after exchanging emails with you, we both ended up having the same surgery date. We'll be losers together and will celebrate our rebirthdays on the same day each year. May our Lord hold you in the palm of his hand and carry safely over to the losing side.

garw 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn, Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I'm sure you'll do just fine. The nervousness at this point is quite understandable. I'd be much more worried if you weren't at least a bit nervous. However, think of how great your life is going to be. I'll be thinking of you on your big day.

blank first name B. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn is looking for an Angel. I'm going to be clear across the state from all my friends and church family. Right now we're not even sure if my husband and daughter are going to be able to stay in the area over the weekend or not. Is there anyone here from the Ypsilanti area willing to be an angel? My surgery is scheduled for 2/22.
About Me
Pullman, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2001
Member Since
