Dawn Y. 22 years, 5 months ago

3 wks postop - I'm back to work fulltime. I'm feeling great, although I was VERY tired last night!!! I've lost over 25#. I know I shouldn't, but I was alittle discouraged about it until my mother-in-law put in into perspective by reminding me that is equivelent to 8 cans of Crisco!!! Most exciting is the inches. You can tell by looking at me I've lost weight!!!! I even have a neck. (My mother has requested pics as proof heehee)I am so glad I had this surgery! It was the best choice I've ever made (next to choosing my husband!!) I'm no longer in my wheelchair and I can walk about a mile a day now.

jorielulof 22 years, 6 months ago

Dear Dawn...I am so very happy that you are doing so well. Congratulations on the weight loss and on the exercise already begun. Happy Easter. God is so good and we give Him all the glory for this wonderful thing called weight loss surgery.

BettyBoopVA 22 years, 6 months ago

Hi Dawn, I'm SOOOOOO HAPPY for you! It's wonderful that you've lost 20# already and that you're feeling so good. I remember a little over a month ago when we emailed back and forth and you couldn't walk much. Look at you now, walking two blocks...WOW! Congrats and keep up the great work. Big Hugs and God Bless!

jorielulof 22 years, 6 months ago

Dear Dawn, I am so very happy that things are going well for you. Congratulations on the weight loss...it is only the beginning of a wonderful new chapter in your life. God is SO good and His timing is perfect!

Dawn Y. 22 years, 6 months ago

Its been an exciting week. I've lost over 20# since surgery!! Today I walked around a two block area in our neighborhood! (its been years since I could do that!!) I finally progressed to full liquids, and except for the fact that I can't sleep laying down yet progress has been wonderful. I've even been sitting down to dinner with my family. This is going so much better than I expected. There are bumps in the road, but success lies in the progress made not the progress to be made. I've been having trouble posting this week. I'm hoping this goes through. If so I once again want to thank Margaret for being such a great angel and for visiting me. And thanks to the many of you who prayed, emailed and posted to my surgery page.

Dawn Y. 22 years, 6 months ago

I am home and happy. I'm not feeling the greatest, seems like someone attacked me and left this huge cut right down from my rib cage to below my belly button. Let me tell you, when I catch up to that attacker I'll have a few things to say!!! Everything went great. I had a few rough spots, but nothing overwhelming except finding out I'm allergic to morphine (horrible itching for 24 hours before they took me off it. Itching stopped immediatesly) and I'm allergic to the tape they use . . . also horrible itching and red slotches and a few blisters. Oh, well, no one ever promised perfection. I actually left the hospital weighing almost 2 pounds less than the day I arrived. I was told that's not very normal that most people gain while they're in the hospital. I don't think I'll complain. Sorry this is so long. I've about run out of energy again so I think I'll go. Thank to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. It was so encourageing to read all of them. I'm also glad they were short and sweet, my concentration level was very low!!!

danabky 22 years, 6 months ago

Dawn!! I am so thrilled for you that you were able to get surgery this time! I was so upset when the original date was cancelled but I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason". I know you are going to continue being successful in this journey! Way to go sweetie!

IdealMelissa 22 years, 6 months ago

Hi Dawn, Congratulations and welcome to the other side(finally!). Looking forward to seeing you at some support meetings again! Good luck and God Bless. Melissa McFail Post-op BTC Holland 3-4-02

Margaret M. 22 years, 6 months ago

(\/)(\/)(\/)ANGEL DUTY(\/)(\/)(\/)....I spoke with Dawn this morning. She had somewhat of a rough night but is doing okay right now. She was getting ready to have lunch. She is going to be discharged and on her way home shortly. She has done a fantastic job. Thanx everyone for making me look good as Dawn's Angel. Smooches!!!!!

Margaret M. 22 years, 6 months ago

(\/)(\/)(\/)ANGEL UPDATE(\/)(\/)(\/)!!!!Angel soaring high. I just got back from seeing Dawn and she looks great. She had her leak test today and passed with a 100%. She was just getting started with her walk and did fantastic. She was in a little pain and that is understandable considering she just had major surgery. She is doing so well and I am very proud of her. I also had the opportunity of meeting her wonderful husband. He was busy trying to take care of his Dawn. Congratulations Dawn. You did it!!!!!
About Me
Pullman, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2001
Member Since
