Estela O. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn-You are certainly a special person to be able to handle this dissapointment with such grace, style and a wicked sense of humor to boot.

sheryl titone 22 years, 7 months ago

dawn i know how angry & disappointed u r. i had to change my surgery date 3 times before i actually had it. & my anesthesiologist said he might cancel it at the last minute if he had a hard time intubating me. ur anesthesiologist did the right thing. god was on ur side giving u a good dr. ur life is in the hands of the anesthesiologist first & foremost. he was looking out for ur best interest when he cancelled. ur lungs need to be perfectly clear for surgery, ANY surgery. i hope u get over the bitter disappointment quickly & ur wheeze goes away immediately so that u can be rescheduled for ur new birthday. god has blessed u hun & i know he will continue to keep u protected.

Dawn Y. 22 years, 7 months ago

Now let's take you to what has to be the most predictable match of the entire Olympics. Dawn can we have the latest results? Sure. Welcome back everyone. As our announcer mentioned, this is hardly and upset, but we did what to share a few highlights from the Dawn vs. God arena. Dawn led early on with a whine and a cry. Followed by obsessive eating and quite a bit a screaming. God countered with a gentle voice. Dawn again picked up the pace with moaning and groaning again followed by the gentle voice of God. In the final minutes however, it was all God! As Dawn headed into the evening hours, all those familiar little flu symptom started creeping from head to toe. So once again "GOD RULES" As of this latest round the score is: God - 996,558,321,854,559,987,213,575 Dawn - 0 Seriously though. I am now so greatful that surgery was canceled. I can't imagine waking up feeling like I do know. Of course, the real problem would have been not waking up at all. I am so grateful for a loving, patient and trust worthy God. Thanks for all your notes of encouragement and prayers. May God bless your life as richly as he has mine with family and friends like you.

kl42202 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn: There is a reason for everything. GOD may have given you more time with your family. What I mean by that is that if someone heard wheezing that could have lead to something really bad after surgery, ie: pneumonia. Now don't get me wrong...I would be very upset too....BUT LIFE GOES ON. Get you chin off your chest and walk proud because your time is right around the corner! GOD BLESS!!

Trisha W. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn, I am sorry that your surgery was cancelled. My prayers are with you that all will be well and you can be rescheduled very soon.

Theatre N. 22 years, 7 months ago

Please do not be mad at God, he did not cancel your surgery. Who knows, maybe there was a reason it did not happen. I wish you the best of success and luck. I know it is hard, I am going thru a big wait right now also.

Belinda M. 22 years, 7 months ago

Good Luck with recovery You will be doing great! Thinking of you Belinda

Patricia S. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dawn! *sigh* *sigh* I feel your pain. That is the nightmare that we all fear. Hang in there, your time is coming. I know you will want to slap me for saying this but "everything happens for a reason". I try to tell myself that when things go wrong. I am sending prayers and good vibes your way. Smooches! Trish

jorielulof 22 years, 7 months ago

Dear Dawn, I am so sorry to hear of your plight and hopefully all was done for your well-being and ultimate good. Try not to be too hard on God. Perhaps His protection kept you from a serious complication or even death. He always sees the big picture--no pun intended. May He continue to supply all of your needs as patience is born anew.

BettyBoopVA 22 years, 7 months ago

Dear Dawn, I am so sorry your surgery was postponed! I can only imagine how sad and angry you must be feeling. At the same time, I'm not in the medical profession, but having gone through the surgery myself I know how difficult it is to get our lungs back into shape after surgery. You really do need to be in the best health possible and if the doctor heard any wheezing it's better in the long run that he's having you wait. We've heard of others on this site who go through the surgery with a cold or cough and end up spending a long time in the ICU. As it is, post surgery you'll be having to blow a little thing to clear up your lungs about every hour; imagine how much worse that could have been for you. I'm really sorry you didn't get your wish but please hang in there and know you'll feel SO MUCH better next time around if your lungs are totally clear. Your day will come. I pray for you to be granted patience and peace; you deserve it! Enjoy the next two to three weeks as much as you can; be good to yourself. God Bless and sweet hugs,
About Me
Pullman, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2001
Member Since
