kylakae 23 years, 1 month ago

Woohoo, Carol! You kicked that last pound in the behind and I'm so proud of you! There will be no stopping you now! You go, girl!

kylakae 23 years, 2 months ago

Hey Carol, I'm feeling your pain. A bit of post holiday blues and a little pity party wondering if I'll ever lose my last 30lbs! *grin* Thankfully my sense of humor is still here!<p> As far as the egg recipes go, I make a fabulous Egg Foo Yung with egg beaters (you could use regular eggs, too). I coat my skillet with PAM, saute a little green onion, garlic (optional) and small shrimp (you could use chicken or skip entirely). Add a handful of beansprouts and pour egg over the top (I use about 1/2 cup of egg beaters). Cook up like a big egg pancake. Serve with brown gravy, I use the packets from the grocery store that have about 20 calories in a quarter of a cup. Yummmy! Even my husband loves this one and it isn't too much work!<p> Bon Apetit!

wakina 23 years, 2 months ago

Carol, you are one LUCKY soul to have a guy like Ed. Congratulations on your weight loss and your new "vision"cj

sheryl titone 23 years, 2 months ago

carol i am so glad to see u back! & i did it again. went right thru ur whole post not realizing it was u til the end. lololol. im so sorry for ur present medical problems. but u r right. it doesnt matter if its a surgery complication or not...this too shall pass. u have been & r doing great & i am very proud to call u friend.

Judith W. 23 years, 2 months ago

Carol... So sorry to hear you are having problems. Keep Up a positive attitude and please know that our thougths are with you and we're praying you will be home and feeling terrific SOON!!!

Vicki W. 23 years, 6 months ago

Carol F. Last week I got a job and I quite for the same reason. Food was everywhere and it was going to be a very stressful job and I'm an emotional eater and I just could not stay. My surgery is Oct. 1, 23 days and counting, but I felt I could not afford to gain anymore weight plus come back to work after surgery. It wouldn't be fair to me or them, so I resigned. I comtemplated over and over and everyone kept telling me that no matter where I went I would have food to deal with, but I told them that after surgery I was not going to set myself up for defeat if I could help it. My husband and kids were very supportive in my decision, if not for that I don't know where I would be. Thanks for your post, it made me feel so much better just knowing that someone else had gone and done the same thing I did and for the same reason. Good luck in finding that right job, its out there waiting for you. Wish me luck in my surgery, I'm getting really scared and nervous. Take care, email me at [email protected] Vicki W

Patty_Butler 23 years, 6 months ago

Carol F, I just read your message on the board about your job. You shouldn't belittle yourself as being weak and you certainly shouldn't worry that someone might be disappointed in you for not continuing with the job. Your WLS surgery was about YOU, not anyone else and you have to make the choices that are right for you. I am waiting for insurance approval for surgery and I too work at a job where I am frequently bored and can eat anything anytime I wish. Most of my co-workers and all my superiors know that I am hoping to have surgery and they are so supportive. I feel really blessed to have so much support at work. But I know that it will be difficult not to grab a piece of candy or a cookie or something from the community food plates (from habit, if no other reason). But I also know that if I am lucky enough to have this surgery, that I will find the inner strength to focus on the new and wonderful things that life will have to offer. I wish you the best and continue to do what is right for you. Patty Butler

Melanie J. 23 years, 7 months ago

Carol... Hold your head up High !..You are a Courageous woman..who has worked hard to obtain a spectacular goal....Don't let anyone take that away from you..... If you family behaves...badly ..then leave... I am sure your husband will back you up.... You have to take care of you... If nothing else think of all the support you have here on this site....We are in your corner ...and we love you !...Good luck....Namaste,Melanie

Carolyne H. 23 years, 7 months ago

Shame on you! You are not a lump of nothing! You are brave and very sensitive and if anyone else cannot see that they are fools! Keep in mind at that reunion that by the next reunion or "encounter' with any of these insensitive so and so's you will be noticibly thinner and (I hope your self-esteem will be higher). You will look great and they will notice and some will be envious. Remember that any excess fat on you now is only "melting" away even while you are at that reunion! You are special and very brave!! Be proud of yourself for taking such a big step and having such faith in yourself!

Renee B. 23 years, 7 months ago

WOW Carol 38lbs is great you go girlfriend!!!!!You look so great in your new pic.I can see you beaming with pride at the choice you made to have this surgery and I am so PROUD of you.I will be joining you on this wonderful journey on August 22 and I can`t wait.....Hugs and kisses to you my friend and also to Ed you are a very lucky woman to have a man like that,but I know you already know that....Renee
About Me
Marion, Oh
Apr 11, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
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12/27/01 -93 lbs and at last -138 pounds!
