Danine N. 23 years, 8 months ago

I really expect your dreams to materialize. I know you have been support to many and your presence has been vital to this board. I can't wait to enjoy your miracle with you, YOU deserve it! Keep someone posting on your condition. I will send my special thoughts your way today.

Anika R. 23 years, 8 months ago

Carol - wishing you the best in your surgery after all the trouble. In the end, all the waiting and trouble will be worth it! Good luck and God bless and keep you safe throughout your entire journey.

issis 23 years, 8 months ago

What a day for you...have a blessed day tomorrow 6/20/01. I will keep you in my prayers for good surgery and healthy recovery/Irene

Nancy S. 23 years, 8 months ago

Gods speed making it to the other side.Ive also givin up and now I have a date, after being turned down twice. I have to wait till 9/12. I hope weve gone through enough and come through with flying colors. Nanc

glenda B. 23 years, 8 months ago

Carol my prayers are with you. YOU GO GIRL. what a day for you and just think more excitment tom. God BLess and keep you safe Glenda Berry

Helena R. 23 years, 8 months ago

WAY TO GO GIRL!!!! If I ever need a lesson in not giving up, I will re-erad your profile. Good luck tomorrow!

careywatkins 23 years, 8 months ago

Hi Carol. I'm SOOOO sorry you're having to go through this. You expect that people who deal with obese patients day in and day out would have more enhanced people skills. Guess not. I'm in California, but if there's anything I can do to help you with this problem, please let me know. I DO know how you feel - it's like you take what we give you or you can forget it - "we're doing you a favor". Like hell! I'm also having issues with my revolving door of a bariatric center. My problems are not as bad as yours, but I do understand what you're going through. If you could change centers/surgeons, you should probably consider it. Good luck to you and know that you'll be in my thoughts. You deserve only the BEST!

socco58 23 years, 8 months ago

HI CAROL & GOOD LUCK~~~~ My thoughts & prayers are with you for a successful surgery & a speedy recovery. ^j^

kcanges 23 years, 8 months ago

Oh Carol, I am praying for you. I really hope this works out and we can both be on the same day again. We both deserve this. Everytime I've had an obstacle or a doubt, God has moved me past it. We are truly blessed. Here's to both of us.

Cynthia E. 23 years, 8 months ago

Carol, I've had to reschedule myself. I know how frustrating it can be. Hopefully we'll both be 'on the other side' soon. By the way, how long did you take Phen-Fen?
About Me
Marion, Oh
Apr 11, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
12/27/01 -93 lbs and at last -138 pounds!
