Helen C. 23 years, 8 months ago

Hi Carol, Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and praying you have a quick recovery. Helen C

Stephanie C. 23 years, 8 months ago

Carol: I am sooo happy for you! Congratulations! Stephanie

Carol F. 23 years, 8 months ago

IT'S OFFICIAL!!! Carol has crossed over to the other side. Her surgery was a success. She didn't have any complications and the doctor said it went really well. She was in a lot of pain in recovery and she couldn't get her medication button to work fast enough. They are going to get her up at midnight to walk for the first time. She didn't get out of recovery until 8:00 PM. They let me stay until 10:00. The staff at BCC in Groveport, Ohio was fantastic. They are a credit to their profession. Carol wanted me to tell you that she got her pillow autographed by the President of BTC. She came down personally and talked with Carol before the surgery. Thank all of you for all your prayers and thoughts. Carol is truly an amazing woman. Everyday I thank GOD for letting me find her.

Alicia V. 23 years, 8 months ago

Carol- What a roller coaster you have been on. It is a testiment to you inner strength that you have managed to keep your head and heart about you. You are a very strong person and that will bring you through this surgery and on into your new life. All the best to you, and we will be waiting to hear!

Heidi H. 23 years, 8 months ago

Hey Carol!! WHOO HOO!!! Congratulations on your surgery! I am sooo happy for you! I havent been able to check the message board since early yesterday evening, and then I see a post from your surgery page! What a happy surprise! I wish you the very best and hope for a speedy recovery for you! YOU DID IT! Can't wait to join you on the "other side". My thoughts and prayers are with you! ~Heidi

Debrah D. 23 years, 8 months ago

Carol It has been a long battle but you have made it girl!! You will be trading those swollen , red, tear stained eyes for a twinkling stars as you see the new Carol emerge. And just think, it won't be long before you and Gwen will be shopping at Victoria Secrets for that bikini while I still wait and shop at Tents-R-US!! LOL Good Luck Girl and talk to you soon. Hugs and give Ed a hug for me too!

Kim M. 23 years, 8 months ago

Carol, You don't know me but I have been following your dilemma all week. I am so glad things worked out for you and you are having your surgery after all. I will say a prayer for you andhope for a speedy recovery...See you on the losing side... :)Kimmie

leopardjoy 23 years, 8 months ago

Hi Carol, godspeed and good wishes coming your way for your surgery. Can't wait to hear how everything went. Hugs, Joy

Lisa A. 23 years, 8 months ago

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you today, Carol! I know its been a hard road, especially thinking that your surgery was cancelled, but now you've made it!! You've got a hard, but wonderful journey ahead of you, and we are all here to help you along the way!!!

Sharon_Cauthen 23 years, 8 months ago

God bless you and keep you Carol. You have been an inspiration to many and I'm so happy that it's your turn. Rest easy...He has a plan for you and your family.
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Marion, Oh
Apr 11, 2001
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