kcanges 23 years, 8 months ago

Hi Carol. I'm so sorry that your surgery was postponed. I'm worried about that happening to me too. I just have to figure everything happens for a reason. Even though we don't have the same date anymore, I will always think of you as my WLS Date sister. Patience. I know, much easier for me to say, if something happens to me next week, you'll be telling me the same thing. I'm thinking of you.

Kris K. 23 years, 8 months ago

Carol, Best of luck with your surgery. Hope everything goes very well for you. I will keep you in my prayers.

StaceyZ 23 years, 9 months ago

Carol,I agree we need to send them packing!!! lol I will keep you in my prayers.... Lord, Watch over Carol and bless her in her journey to be healthy. Guide her surgeons hand as he/she works to give her new life. Give the nurses and other caregivers a heart of compassion and tenderness. Give her family peace of mind about the life altering decision she's made. Reassure her in the early hours when she may question her decision. Be her strength if she's in pain or simply frustrated. Let her turn to those who love her for comfort instead of turning to food. When she forget's, remind her that she deserves to be healthy and happy. Teach her to see joy in every milestone, no matter how big or how small. Fill her cup to overflowing with compassion and understanding for those who may or may not understand or approve of her decision. Keep her safe on this journey today, tomorrow and always.~~ Amen (/)

glenda B. 23 years, 9 months ago

carol been there done that the couple of weeks before my surg i was so emotional and crabby at times then felt sooo guilty for being that way. but im 2 wks post opt and doing great, God will be with you pray for a peace of mind he will grant it Glenda berry

chance2lv 23 years, 9 months ago

Hi Carol...I know we have been emailing back n' forth...but I also wanted to post here and let you know that Pre-ops were not all that bad!! Good luck with them..Luv Ya, Karan

Kay J. 23 years, 9 months ago

Hi Carol...We are having our surgery on the same day and I want to thank you for the e-mail letting me know this, I wish you the best of luck on your surgery and hope we both have speedy recoveries.
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Marion, Oh
Apr 11, 2001
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12/27/01 -93 lbs and at last -138 pounds!
