Ali W. 22 years, 8 months ago

Carol - your post tonight touched my heart. I just wanted you to know that. Take care.

artistmama 22 years, 8 months ago

Hi Carol, I was just wondering how you are doing. You haven't posted in a long time and I am just a little concerned. The last time that happened, you were going through the pits of despair (depression). I hope you are okay. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and miss seeing you on the AMOS site. Let me know how you are doing, okay??? God bless you and have a great day!

DivaDee 22 years, 9 months ago

Carol, Congrats on the new Grandson...that is so great to hear....and also on your upcoming surgery...may God bless you and keep safe in arms reach!! Aloha

kylakae 22 years, 9 months ago

Carol, congratulations on breaking 170! I'm glad to see that you have found your way out of the funk and that you are enjoying your weight loss and all the gifts GOD has given you.

Mary H. 22 years, 9 months ago

carol, on a dreery day you are such a bright ray of sunshine, i lke you have a wonderful hubby who has held me up sometimes when i couldn't do it myself, mine the other day was coming up the stairs behind me and said i was geting a pretty butt again ,alwaysd making little remarks to make me hold my head a little higher and pull my sholders back a little more letting those puppys pop out a so to all the hubbys who give love and support ,a hand and a heart i say god bless them all..........., and girl you rock

Lora B. 22 years, 9 months ago

Hi Carol, I just read your post,and it touched my heart.Honey you have come too far in your weight loss to let the devil get the best of you.You are stronger then that!!God did not intend to see you lose this weight to only start gaining it back.God loves you so very much whether you feel that right now or not.Let him have your burdens and let his peace embrace you.We all go through some trying times,but it will get better.!!I promise!!!I will keep you in my prayers and I pray you start to feel alittle better.If you'd like to e-mail me that would be fine,maybe we could talk.I love you and so do others on this site and expecially JESUS!!!LOL,Lora

tonitreadway 22 years, 9 months ago

Carol - I just read you post and it deeply touched my heart! We all go through times of turmoil and it is so hard to stay focused. You have done an amazing job on your weight loss and gaining a healthier life! You should be so proud of yourself!! God loves you, and so do we!!!! Hang in there, all will be revealed. As for not having friends, get out there girl! You are beautiful, funny, inteligent, and likeable!! Maybe think about joining a wls surrport group in your area. I've found that the the one in my area, Atlanta, Georgia (meets once a month) has been such a blessing for me. A great place to meet people and talk about our successes and struggles, wls related and otherwise! We are always here for you. Love, Toni

kylakae 22 years, 11 months ago

Hey Carol, I leave town for a few days and come back to a whole new you! You look so pretty and feminine in your new picture! Congrats on the new numbers!

kylakae 22 years, 11 months ago

Carol, *wow*, you are on a roll, girlfriend! Lets the past few weeks you've joined the century club, bought new size 16s and pretty new undies! I'd say you're doing pretty awesome! I'm so excited for you! Way to go, lady!

kylakae 23 years ago

Carol, congratulations on your 7 month anniversary! Kick that last pound in the butt!
About Me
Marion, Oh
Apr 11, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
12/27/01 -93 lbs and at last -138 pounds!
