Sentara Careplex Hospital (COE) Hospital

This hospital, though new, modern, and closely resembles an airport, needs serious improvements. It's staff leaves much to be desired. Most every body has a bad attitude, are non responsive when you need immediate attention, and don't acknowledge small requests very well. This hospital has received poor reviews from everyone that I know of that has had to use it. The hospital recently repaced a much smaller hospital, and they had to make quick arrangements for staffing, which resulted in poor decisions. If this hospital was only an option, I would have chosen a different one in the area in a heart beat.

I liked the rooms, the surgical group, and Susie (the Bariatric director) is AWESOME!! However, I had a CNA that was very careless. She drained my stomach tube and spilled it all over me and my linens right after I got out of the shower which really irritated me because I wasn't feeling well. Everytime I asked for something she never brought it and she avoided me after I was really upset over the spill. They are also a little to pushy on getting you out of the hospital. The deadline was 11am, and they were pushing me out of my room at 7:30am.