Northern Westchester Hospital Surgical Weight Loss Program Hospital
Dr. Roslin was a very good doctor, but a very busy one. Many people know who he is.
As I was losing I was liking him more for the help he gave me. Staff were kind and h
elpfull. I don't like the fact that he's in New York and I in connecticut so it was hard to go back and forth to see him after nad befor surgery. He's agood doctor but, BUSY.
I do go to excersie everyday and that is what he strongly suggests to do . Surgery is the very beginning of the process and you need to work hard afterwards on your own.
There are always risks when having any kind of surgery and yes I was informed.
Dr. Roslin is a great Dr.
To me beinging able to do this surgery you must know what your doing, but also bedside
manner is very important to me. When you've just come out of surgery you sometimes what a little bit of sypathy.