Middlesex Hospital (COE) Hospital

The staff on first and second shift were great. They were helpful, caring, and pretty much there when you needed them. Third shift was a totally different thing. They were far and few, and when they did come in, were quick to do what they wanted, rather than what you asked for. I had an I.V. that beeped continous all night, keeping me awake, as well as my roomate. I tried to explain that it wasn't working properly, as evidenced by the fact that the volume was not going down and the beeping was indicating a problem, but they would just hit the reset button and leave. They'd no sooner be out the door and it would start beeping again. If I called them again, it would be a long time before they would return. Finially on the next day, first shift found the problem. the shunt had broken under the skin line, and was not letting any fluid pass. That is why it was beeping, and why I was dehydrating. It all got fixed on first shift. Then the next night I asked the 3rd shift to please keep the door closed after they did vitials, because the lit up hallway kept my area of the room very bright, and I couldn't sleep with all the light. Never failed, when they did rounds, they would go out and leave the door open. So, I'd ring to ask them to come and close the door, and they got all pissy because they had to come back just to close a door. Yet, next round--same thing!

My experience there was very good. Everyone there, with one exception was capable and caring and took really good care of me. I was very nervous before the procedure and everyone was understanding and comforting. I felt that everyone I dealt with was very well-qualified as well. The one exception was someone who seemed to not know what she was doing much at all, and who also seemed insensitive toward overweight patients, but she really was the one unfortunate exception among a group of terrific people, so I didn't feel my experience there was bad at all. I particularly liked that there was a pre-op class offered to let you know what to expect every step of the way while you are in the hospital...it really eased my mind knowing what to expect.