Middlesex Hospital (COE)

Rating: 4.38333333333 out of 5 with 60 ratings

Middlesex Hospital (COE) Hospital

60 Reviews for Middlesex Hospital (COE)
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Only negative comment would be that they provide TED stockings that are only XL which then they had to cut to fit me, which defeated the whole purpose. They need to stock bigger size TEDs.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

Very positive experience. Esp. the experienced & compassionate 4th floor nursing staff. Couldn't wish for a nicer bunch of folks to take care of you. The comprehensive pre-op orientation given by the nursing staff is a real plus in getting your head in the right place prior to your surgery Did'nt care for the special bariatric bed since it wasn't designed to be easily operated by patient. More comfortable in recliner.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

The Nursing staff were fantastic! Very nice, respectful, professional and compassionate. I could not say enough about them.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

Incredible service.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

My stay was above average for a hospital stay. I found the nurses to be caring, but once you don't need the constant attention, it's up to you to get yourself up and walking.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

I'd say the staff was 50/50-some were very nice and helpful,others could've cared less and it was like prying teeth to get them to even do something simple like getting a cup of water! My room was very nice though,and there were many times I felt truly cared for by some of the staff-you know they're good when you're morbidly obese and don't feel shamful when they're helping you shower! I did like that the staff seemed very skilled with gastric bypass patients,so I did feel I was always in good hands for the most part. But they definately need to keep a closer eye on the patients in my opinion,but I guess that's probably due to under-staffing. I know there were times when I'd buzz for help and no one came. My boyfriend often times had to go down to the nurses station to get someone,and even then there were times we were still waiting forever for someone to come! But don't be worried if you're going to stay here,overall it was decent-you just have to be an advocate for yourself and SPEAK UP!

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

The hospital is set up to accomodate bariatric patients well..from having oversized gowns and binders to bariatric beds and private rooms for all bariatric patients...they also have a nurse on the bariatric floor who had WLS. While it suffers from the same issues many hospitals do (not enough staff, sometimes overworked staff) overall, they are exceptionally well equipped for the needs of a WLS patient.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

Hospitals are not the greatest place to be in the first place. I will say overall the staff was very pleasant. I had a couple bad seeds but overall did not change that I would go back there again. Just pray you don't need anything in a hurry when they are in the middle of a change of shift because it's hard to get someone. I also had a good friend who stayed with me everynight at the hospital so she was there to help me in most tasks if needed so I didnt need to bother the nursing staff as much as I would have if alone.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

I received excellent nursing care at Middlesex hospital. I was on a general surgical floor, but all the nurses and aides were well-versed in the protocol for caring for the gastric bypass patient. My very picky, nurse-by-profession sister, who was with me in the hospital, was extremely impressed. I absolutely loved my nurses!

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

Except for the bothersome routine 'vital signs checkups' in the middle of the night, my stay at Middlesex was excellent. The staff was totally into my needs and making sure I was comfortable, moving around, and when I needed quiet time, they would just let me sleep. When I wanted to get up at 4am to walk, they'd ask me if I needed assistance; when I needed a shower, they'd help me from dress down to dress up! I was truly blessed. They are awesome!

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?
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