Holy Cross Health Hospital
For extremely large patients (over 400 lbs.), the staff are untrained in helping to lift/move patients, helping them get out of big chairs without hurting themselves, giving them hygiene care, washing them. Privacy doesn't exist. Private rooms are impossible to get without connections. Some nurses are rude and inattentive, even when you're in pain. You get NO sleep. Some staff were very nice and some were inconsiderate. You're at their mercy.
The night nurses were wonderful, but the day shift was terrible. I would press the button for help and no one would come. Once I dropped my morphine button and beeped and no one came and I had to yell for help when the pain got to bad. They did not change my bed until almost 12 pm and they said it was because they ran out of linen (on both days). I asked if they could help me with a bed bath, and the nurse brought me a towel and a washcloth and left it and said there you go. Thank god my husband and mom were there. They helped me with everything during the day. The day nurses really sucked. The night shift was wonderful.