Good Samaritan Hospital

Excellent and attentive nursing care. Made me feel comfortable the whole way

The Rn's did not consider my modesty when needing to use a bedside commode after surgery, the hospital room door was left open and the curtain was not drawn, I had to repeatedly ask them to please shut the door, etc. When I was in pain and my IV bag ran dry, the nurse did not respond to the call light for 2 hours. When she finally showed up she was curt, smelled of heavy parfume and never once apologized for leaving me in pain. I checked myself out of the hospital early because I was afraid to stay through another night shift with the neglectful staff, I felt I was safer at home even though the recovery would be harder without the medical assistance I felt I needed. I have posted a formal complaint with Dr. Pattersons nurse coordinator.

The patient gowns are to die for... they made me feel like I was small. I was well cared for and had no problems with any of my stay.

The nurses in the short stay department were outstanding. Being afraid of needles they were kind and compassionate with out forgetting the power of humor. My nurses after the surgery were exceedingly kind and giving in caring for my needs. Good people in the right positions. More instruction on some of the equipment would instill more confidence. One nurse, though very nice, could not figure out how to work the bed.