William Neal

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 26 ratings

William Neal Bariatric Surgeon

20 yr Experience

7 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18-

Max Age of Patient is 70+

26 Reviews for William Neal
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Dr. Neal was very empathetic, was extremely patient with me and was knowledgeable about the Lap Band surgery. When I first met with him he had only performed 50 surgeries and has now (one year later) has performed over 200. Peggy, his office manager is a saint. She has been extremely patient and helpful during this difficult journey. When we got the news that my insurance changed their position, she was as excited as I was. Dr. Neal facilitates local support groups and I have, so far been very impressed. I live in Portland and Dr. Neal is in Washington. My insurance covers less for the surgery in Washington because it is out of my plan area but I was more concerned about finding an experienced and competent surgeon than I was about the cost. We'll see ...


my first impression of Dr. Neal was he was so pleseant and he didn't treat me like I had somekind of nasty person disease. He is very straight forward and explains things very well. I have only met with him once for my consult and am waiting only 16 days till my surgery. His office staff is great, so friendly and confident. I will fill in the rest after my procedure.


Dr. Neil was very friendly, I felt very comfortable talking about my weight. He explained the entire procedure making sure I understood the ups an downs.

Staff: Peggy - she is wonderful, very helpful and knowledgable. I live 7 hours away by car so we spent plenty of time on th phone prior to the visits and surery.

I would rate him a 10.


My first impression was that he appeared patient and kind. Willing to take the time to answer all my questions with acting like I was taking up his time. So far I fell the same way. His staff has been caring and helpful everytime I have called. So far I havent found anything not to like about him of course I have only met with Dr. Neal 2 times. Yes he has a strict aftercare program along with requiring me to see a nutritionist that specializes in Lap band procedures. Yes I was made aware of the risks. I cant rate overall as of yet since I will not be having my surgery for a few more days but so far I have been nothing but pleased and I am so excited.


My first impression of Dr. Neal is that he is articulate, personable, patient, and competent.
My impression has not changed over time.
His office staff are efficient, polite, and patient.
There is nothing that I dislike about him.
He spends quite a bit of time on aftercare. His office provides support groups every week and I feel comfortable calling the office with questions at any time.
He is very upfront about the risks of surgery.
I would prefer to rate him after the surgury.
I would always rank surgical competence above bedside manner!


Dr.Neal is an approachable, caring doctor, who takes this surgery very seriously. He asks appropriate quetions, and answers questions thoroughly. My first encounter with him was at a seminar and he took over an hour of his time to explain details to me about the procedures, insurance, pre and post op expectations.

I was a little amazed to find he was in Shelton, Washington, a small town on the western peninsula. His office located directly accross the street of Mason General Hospital, where he does 90% of his procedures.

He has a support group that meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. These have been most helpful.

It took me approximately 4 weeks to get an appointment, mainly because of my insurance, but once I was in the proper system it has been smooth sailing.

I am scheduled for surery in one week and will be happy to update this profile--post op.

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