Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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Dr. Barker was very honest and upfront with describing the surgery and the side effects. His staff has been very pleasant and comforting...I feel at ease with them. The only complaint that I have is I've only meet with Dr. Barker once (several times with his staff regarding the requirements) but I'm hoping I will be able to talk to him at my next appt. (Oct 23rd).


My surgery is scheduled for 10/16/2006. I've met with Dr. Barker twice. The first time was when my PCP referred me over to him. He seemed knowledgeable and thorough as he interviewed me. I was comfortable from the minute I walked into his office. He did seem \"matter of fact\" in some areas which is good I think. My second meeting with DR. Barker was just about the same. He was very matter of fact and assured me everything would go fine.rnThe thing that really set Dr. Barker apart from most doctors I've dealt with is his staff. I can not say enough about his nurse and his office staff. I tried to get this surgery approved last year but the insurance company didn't like the hoops I was jumping through. They wanted a completely different set of hoops to be in play. Dale in Dr. Barker's office made the insurance portion of this process the easiest part. It was the health things Dr. Barker wanted to check out that became the hard part; stress test, endoscopy, 3 months with a nutritionist, Psyche evaluation. Just getting approved and scheduled has been a long process. Br. Barker's team made it a breeze. I’ll update this after the surgery.rn


Dr. Barker is without a doubt the most wonderful doctor I have ever encountered. Bar none! His skills are beyond measure, he is down to earth and you can truly see that he loves what he does. Dr. Barker has a genuine concern for his patients and a great sense of humor. He never minds taking whatever time you need to answer questions and set your mind at ease on any concerns that you may have. I highly highly highly recommend him for ANYONE. rnrnIn addition to Dr. Barker, his office staff is incredible. They are all very nice and professional and will go out of their way to help you. No matter how busy they are they never make you feel like you are an imposition. It's just an all-around positive experience from the time you walk in the door.rnrnI will take surgical competence over bedside manner every day of the week but Dr. Barker has mastered both so that's just icing on the cake. This has been the best surgical experience (and I've had 8 surgeries) that I have ever had.


Dr.Barker was really nice on our first visit. He was very interested in helping me getting my issue taken care of. My lap-band had slipped for the 2nd time in less than 2 years. We tried for a revision to lap-RNY but UHC denied it due to my BMI not being high enough. WELL---that's changed!! LOL. Almost immediatly believe it or not. I am going to call Dr.Barker's office about setting an appointment to try and re-submit the info to the insurance company.


My first impression was that he is serious about what he does and does not mess around. He met with me for about 2 minutes and I was off to meet with Dr. Dale, the one that does the diet supervision. He was very nice and lead me through everything easily and everything went smooth. Once I got my approval I went back to see Dr. Barker and my impression totally changed. He is very warm and funny. He's also very good looking as I'm sure most anyone would tell you! hehe I wonder if he's married? LOL Anyway, my surgery is now scheduled for September 8th, 2006!! I can hardly wait!!rnrnMy mantra is \"HOT BY CHRISTMAS\"!rnrnYou can see before pictures of me at:rnhttp://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/[email protected]/album?.dir=/b301re2&.src=ph&.tok=phz9vcFBH0viQLoL


I have an appointment with Dr. Wade Barker on the 8th of August 2006. I have seen Dr. Dirk Rodriguez but have decided that he isn't the surgeon for me. Things just haven't worked the way they should have and so I feel it is in my best interest to seek another Dr.rnI will add what I feel about the Dr. after my appointment. OMG. what a difference. I am so excited. Dr Barker seems to have a sense of humor and a way about him to set you at ease. I know that changing surgeons was the best move I could ever make. I am just so excited now. I feel that things will just start to fall into place for me.rnThanks so much Dr. Barker


My first impression of him is that he is great to look at. He is really knowledgeable and helpful. He is very straightforward in telling what you need to do. His office staff are all very nice and make you feel like family. They are all very helpful.


My first impression of Dr. Barker was \"dang he's cute and funny) and he made me at ease which is how i have felt durning the entire journey. The office staff is \"off the chain\". Solmone whom i bothered everyother day was wonderful. I felt like i was dealing with some old friends who knew me. The office decor was accomidating to Full Figure Woman such as myself and i didn't feel out of place their. He and well as the other staff told and showed me everything i needed to do before and after care and overall i gave him and the office staff a \"6 piece, 2 peppers, and a coke\".


'I never leave commits on anything but i had to leave one about Dr. barker and his staff


Dr. Barker was very nice and informative, I felt comfortable with him. His staff is great, Earline the surgery cordinator is extremly helpful and courteous, she is always pleasant regardless of how much I have called her and I do appreciate that. I would strongly recommend Dr Barker and his staff.

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