Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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I feel like everyone else, Dr. Barker is VERY easy on the eyes! He is a nice looking man. He was straight and to the point. The first time I met him he sent me to another doctor to get me on Blood Pressure medication. I was not pleased with that at all! I was ready to get my surgery. The second time I went in, he was nice and easy to talk to. He complimented my laugh. *blush*

I was set up for surgery that day and he told me that he would see me on Feb. 1, 2006.

I came in with a cane and he wanted to make sure that I would be able to walk, because walking is vital to recovery. He also stressed that if I didn't take my BP pills I wouldn't be able to have surgery. You know I immediately got a refill for those darn pills so I could get my surgery done!

He came in to see me after surgery a couple of times. He is a busy man!!! In and out.

By the way....I was a transfer patient from Turning Point. I thank him for taking me in to his family and doing my surgery!


My surgery date is March 1, 2006 for the Lap RNY. I am very excited!! When I visited Dr. Barker's office I really didn't know too much about him. It's just that the Lord had to have led me there. When I walked in I was greated by the office personnel and was told (by one of the ladies) that my hair was beautiful! And she wanted to know where I got it done at. That really made me feel great! They were very helpful and quick. When I met Dr. Barker I first thought WOW! he is young and nice looking. He was very straight and to the point, answered all my questions. I have my last consultation on February 28, 2006 before the BIG day! And I am looking forward to meeting with Dr, Barker again. I have heard that he is a great doctor and does a great job with the surgery with minimal pain and complications.


My first impression was that he was very to the point and in a hurry, but as I have got to know him he is just busy. I know he is very informative, but you just have to ask. His staff is very friendly and I have never had any problems with them. I absolutly love Dutch. He is a very dedicated surgeon who cares about his patients. He did not emphassize aftercare to me but I know he has aftercare programs. Over all He is just terrific. Surgical compentance is by far better to me than bedside manner but he has both he made me feel cared about and that is bedside manner. Overall I would not have choosen a better surgeon. I love him.


When I first seen Barker I thought he was cute and pretty young looking to be a surgeon. He is a very nice man! I love his way of wanting to get through this process the best and swiftest way as possible. The office staff were very polite and helpful to my needs,concerns and questions. He and his staff did very well in obtaining my surgery date prior to the deadline needed!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!


I have had one visit with Dr. Barker and his staff so far. I found him to be knowledgeable and informative, I look forward to him conducting my surgery. (Hopefully in the near future.)


My first impression of Dr. Barker was that he was very young. After about 2 minutes, I realized he was very knowledgeable and informed and I felt very comfortable with him. He answered all my questions and reasured me about my worries. My impression did not change, so much as I become more confirmed in my first impression.
I found, and still find the staff at Dr. Barkers office very helpful, understanding and encouraging.
The thing I like least about Dr. Barker is that because he is a surgeon, not a general pratitoner, he does not spend a lot of time just talking about my heath in general. I am used to dealing with MD's and DO's, but I understand that sergeons are different.
Dr. Barker encourages his patients to attend his aftercare program, but he did not "emphasize" this to me, and I was not looking for a Dr who required an afetercare program.
I felt that Dr. Barker and his staff addressed all the risks of the surgery and I was very well informed.
I would rate Dr. Barker excellent and I would recommend him highly.
In my opinion surgical competence is more important than bedside manner.


I had my consult with Dr. Barker today and my husband and I are extremely pleased with him. He has a wonderful personality and very sweet disposition. He was very knowledgeable and was more than willing to answer any questions me or my husband had. His office staff was wonderful, they made me feel very welcome and made me feel as though I was part of their family. There really was nothing I didn't like about Dr.Barker or his staff, he really explained everything I could possibly expect after the surgery and went over my diet and nutrition that I will be expected to adhere to and why. Dr. Barker went over the risks of surgery and made sure I understood what all the medical terms mentl.
My overall rating of Dr.Barker is he really is a sweetheart of a man, with a wonderful disposition and clear and consise understanding for his profession and his patients, I would recommend him to anyone.. And I will..


I had my first office consult with Dr. Barker on 9/15/05. The office staff was very friendly. My time with Dr. Barker was short and to the point, bit that probably because I'm not much of a talker. He let me know what tests I had to have done and the results sent to him and when I am done to call back to schedule my surgery. Overall my visit was very satisfactory. They were all friendly, helpful and cheerful.


Dr. Barker is just awesome. I would trust him to do any surgery that I need. I highly recommed him. He has a great sense of humor and what I really liked was his honesty. If he cant answer your question, he tells you he doesnt know. I was very comfortable with him from the moment I met him. I would gladly refer anyone to him. And Yes, it does help that he is very good looking!


Dr. Barker seems very confident and capable. He is friendly and takes the time to answer your questions and does not rush you. The office staff has been great even in the midst of transitioning from one office to another.

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