Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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Wade Barker, MD

very gentle, takes time with patients.

it hasn't.

very helpful and friendly.

has time for patients.

he's wonderful!

very much.

not exactly, just close supervision.

the first thing.


surgical competence, definitely.

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