Tim Wheeler Bariatric Surgeon MD
12 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 80
12 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 80
My first impression was he was friendly but very matter of fact. As I got to know him I found him to be very friendly and does have a good bed side manner, but he does not sugar coat anything. He tells it like it is, but he cares a great deal about his patients. rnrnI like the way he told me what I would have to do to be successful. rnrnThe office staff is great, very busy, but always got back with me in a timely fashion. rnrnWhat I liked least about him was having to wait on him for an appointment because he was running late because of surgery. Nothing he could do about it but still a pain to sit and wait. It only happened once. rnrnExcellent surgeon, great track record. rnrnAftercare is emphasized and once you are his patient you always have access to the Nutritionist or Psychologist and there is a support group that meets once a month.
My first impression of Dr. Wheeler is that he is very caring about his patients and truly wants them to succeed if not exceed all of their goals!!! He wants ro know that you are serious about getting healthy and staying that way!! My impression never has changed except for the respect I now have has grown even more!!! The office staff is and has been absolutely wonderful and knowledgeable. The thing I would have to say that I like the least is that he may seem a little rushed in and out, but he will thoroughly answer every question you may have!!EMPHAZISES AFTERCARE TREMENDOUSLY!!! Very structured aftercare program!! All of the office including the doctor addressed the risks w/ every visit and after surgery they still tell of the risks if instructions not followed!! I RATE DR. WHEELER AND ALL THE STAFF A 20 OUT OF 10!!!LOLrnDr. Wheeler is great in both areas!!! VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!!!
I met Dr. Wheeler at an seminar I went to in Ashland Ky. He knew his stuff, was such a good speaker, and He stayed until everyone in the room got their questions anwsered. He talked about all of the risk, and said it wasn't for everyone, and for us all to research and really think about it ,because it was going to change our lives and our family's. He has the best staff! I really like them all, especially Tonia, she is so fun! When I first met him, I knew he was MY doctor!
i was very impressed by Dr. Wheeler. I am an RN and wanted a lot of information up front. He had nothing to hide. The staff was very supportive, most of them had been through the surgery. They have many support groups and I have made many calls to the office about questions and have always been treated nicely. He is an A+ in my book. He also operated on my mother and a friend of the family. They both received wonderful after care. Better care than I have ever heard of from other local hospitals. I think surgical competence is most important, but he has both.