Tim Wheeler Bariatric Surgeon MD
12 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 80
12 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 80
When I first met Dr. Wheeler, I wasn't sure of him. I stayed unsure of him until I went for my pre-op visit. It was at that visit that I decided I really liked him. He is actually a funny man. He is very matter of fact. His office staff are very nice. They are willing to help. His office is very thorough in educatin their patients. They will answer any questions you may have. They want you to be successful.
Dr. Wheeler is very matter of fact, no sugar coating anything. He's very professional and my experiences with him have been great. I will know more after surgery but from all I have hear, read and learned - I feel I am in the very best hands for this procedure.rnrnNow after surgery I will say that everything I thought was right on the money. Dr. Wheeler was fantastic and I know now I made the very best choice for me. I highly recommend him for anyone serious about this surgery!
Dr. Tim Wheeler was great. My first impression was not so good. I thought he felt like I was waisting his time, because I was just borderline in weight and BMI. After my second visit, I felt better and he made me feel comfortable. rnrnDr. Wheeler really took care of me during surgery and I have 100% confidence in him.rnrnDr. Wheeler's after care program is fantastic. You can call the dieticians anytime and they are very friendly and helpful. Sometimes you have a hard time talking with a nurse. The aftercare program is very structured. rnrnI would rate Dr. Wheeler on a scale of 1-10 as a 9.rnrnDefinitely, in my opinion surgical competence is far better than bedside manner. You can get over their attitude, but you can't get over a bad surgery very well.
I only have good things to say about Dr. Wheeler and his staff! Let me say that at first I wasn't sure about him... he seemed a little rushed and abrupt. He must have been having a very hectic day because I haven't seen that side of him again. He works hard for his patients and he does excellent work for us! rnrnI waited almost a year to post my opinion of him and his services because I wanted to see how the quality of care might vary over time. I like him even better each time I see him! He is easy to talk to and doesn't talk down to his patients. He is a true professional who is able to speak to \"us\" on a level that is informative, yet friendly. I feel that I was well prepared by him and his staff before going into surgery and that I have had their ongoing support ever since. rnrnI will gladly recommend Dr. Wheeler to anyone who seeks a caring and talented surgeon! I have been perfectly satisfied with the care I received from him and his staff and my weight loss has been great (-143 pounds!).rnrnThank you, Dr. Wheeler!rn
When I first saw him at the seminar, I was impressed with his straight-forward manner. In the office he was blunt but very nice, and I really do like him. The office staff is extremely friendly and helpful, and aftercare is stressed as one of the most important things. He will give you the tool to lose the weight and hopefully resolve health problems, but he cannot follow you home to make sure you do what is needed to maintain. rnrnI am a surgical nurse by occupation, and I can tell you from experience that bedside manner is important, but surgical competence is what keeps you alive. His overall office manner has been good so far (we have only been to see him once), and I am pleased with the surgeon I have been given.
My first impression during the seminar was that he was very cut and dry, rather boring however after i went for my office visit i realized he wasnt, he was very down to earth and i feel very confident in my decision!rnrnThe office staff at KDMC has been great so far, everyone is so understanding and take the time to listen and answer any questions you may have,they make you feel totally confortable with haveing surgery.rnrnDr. Wheeler enphasize's after care very often, this is not just an \"easy way out\" he makes you know that up front.rnrnDr. Wheeler does have a structured after care program. The program consist of support groups and routine checkups.rnrnDr. Wheeler has address and made me fully aware of the risks in surgery, i feel very confindent in his hands.rnI would rate Dr. Wheeler a very intelligent surgeon who is very willing to help those of us in need.rnrnDr. Wheelers beside manner was quick and to the point however he didnt let me b in pain and i thank him for that, he is great and i would recommend anyone interested in surgery to go to him, hes great!
Dr. Wheeler and his staff are absolutely wonderful. He is very professional, at the same time very personable. He is so down to earth and easy to talk to. I just love him, his assistant, AND all the girls in the office. They make you feel so at ease. He stresses the importance of the aftercare program and I like the fact that KDMC has such a structured aftercare program. I just am extremely satisfied and confident in my choice of surgeon.