Shawn Garber Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS
13 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 75
Adjustable Gastric Band
Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication
ORBERA Intragastric Balloon
13 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 75
Adjustable Gastric Band
Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication
ORBERA Intragastric Balloon
Before lapband surgery with Dr. Garber I had difficulty walking up stairs. I was always out of breath and I felt as if I was "bursting" out of my skin. Now that I lost the weight I am able to do so much more and I have my energy back. For the first time in a long time I am proud of myself. Dr. Garber and his staff are encouraging and really provide the support you need to be successful in the long term. They are great!
Before gastric bypass surgery I was unable to bend or walk properly. I had diabetes and high blood pressure. Now, thanks to Dr. Garber and his team at the New York Bariatric Group I am able to feel "normal" I have lost almost 100lbs and have never felt better. Dr. Garber and his staff are always caring and supportive. Thank you for everything!
After 30 years of dieting and weight gain I though it was time to look into weight loss surgery. My extensive research brought me to Dr. Garber and the New York Bariatric Group. They not only have the experience that is needed to perfom successful lapband surgery but the support needed to help keep the weight off. My surgery is very recent and I have already lost weight and I look forward to losing more and feeling better.
Dr. Garber and the entire staff at the New York Bariatric Group are the best. Dr. Garber is always avaialble when I need him and I would not be as successful as I am without the support of him and his team. Thank you.
Before weight loss surgery I was constantly tired with backaches and leg aches. I always felt awful and hated the idea of walking. After LAP BAND surgery I feel so much better and I am more active. I am living life instead of watching it go by.
The whole staff is wonderful and caring at the New York Bariatric Group. Dr. Garber is so supportive and approachable. He was with me evry step of the way. The staff is always avaialble to answer nay questions right away and they helped tremendously with all insurance issues. I would reccomend this group to everyone!