Rex Sherer

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 115 ratings

Rex Sherer Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

19 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60

115 Reviews for Rex Sherer
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I met with Dr. Sherer today and everything was great. I didn't have to wait very long at all to see him and he and his staff were fabulous. Dr. Sherer took his time and was certain to listen and answer all of my questions. I found him to be very personable but yet very professional. Being honest and upfront about my options and future care. I recommend this office and surgeon to anyone. They are truly one of a kind.


Dr. Sherer really emphasized the need for aftercare therapy or going to OA. He stressed that surgery is only a tool and that to be successful I must deal with the reasons I am morbidly obese. The best thing about him is that he doesn't do needless pre-op testing and encourges you to eat solid food when you feel ready. He believes that rigid diet plans after surgery only continue th cycle of being consumed by food.


I haven't met him yet but have heard many good reports on him. I have been told that he has an excellent bedside manner. I have spoken with his asst. and she seemed very helpful.
When you first call, they send you a packet with detailed information about the surgery including any side effects and the possible things that could go wrong.If you still wish to proceed, you fill out some forms about yourself and med. and weight history. You mail those in and then they call and set up your first visit.

11-21-01 I had my cosult yesterday and it was great. Dr. Sherer is wonderful. He took mucho time with me. He has a wonderful sense of humor. I like that. I found nothing to dislike. He explained everthing perfectly and answered all my concerns. He was forthright with the bad as well as the good.
He imphasized aftercare as a must! He highly recommended counseling to learn to correct my addiction to the food. He says that greatly improves your chances of success in keeping weight off for life. I would rate him at 9.75 (nobody's perfect)HA!


My first impression of Dr. Sherer was he seemed to be confident in himself and he made me feel comfortable. He talked to me and explained all the details then gave me a chance to ask my three pages of questions. I discovered he had already answered half of my questions. He held back nothing he stated the pros and cons. We, my husband and me, left feeling we had made a good choice in surgeons.

I did not like his scale. (lol) I had been to the doctor the day before and weight and height was at Dr Sherer one inch shorter and 24 lbs heavier. Of course I will have to go with his scales. His is suppose to be the cadilac in scales.

The lady that took the Insurance form and checked me out was not having a good day. She spoke short to me.

These are just my personal impressions and I am in no way making any statements about what other people may experience.


I met with Dr. Sherer yesterday. My original appointment was for 1:00 but they called me the day before to ask if I could come in at 10:15 instead. Of course I said Yes! I thought he was very informative and told me all the risks and benefits of having surgery. He didn't beat around the bush about any of it. His office staff was very friendly and helpful. Suzy told me that my insurance had changed so that she could get approval in 2 days on the phone!!! She said we can go ahead and schedule you for surgery if you want to! I was so excited. Dr. Sherer is very personable and talked to me with much respect. I think (hope and pray) that he will be a wonderful surgeon.


Dr Rex Sherer. Alabaster ,Al.
Very easy to talk to. Explained what I was getting into very well.Office staff is friendly and helpful. His office is on hospital site for convenience. Harvard grad. Bypass trained in Dallas. Strong aftercare emphasis. Will find out more about aftercare tomorrow. First post op visit.


I have enjoyed the entire experience..My first visit was 9/26/01.The dr and staff were great.He was very frank on what to expect and I appreciated that.The best sentence was this surgery is "In the hands of the Lord".How true!!Approved 10/17/01 surgery is scheduled for 11/27/01 I am so excited...


Wonderful office group and doctor. They are all so pleasant, and they treat you with respect and they all actually listen to what you have to say.

Dr. Sherer took 2 1/5 hrs to talk with me, and he answered my questions and my concerns. I would recommend him hands down right now.


I found Dr. Sherer's name on the list of Batriatric surgeons in Alabama, then checked out others comments about him on this website before I made an appointment.
My initial consultation with him was on 8-14-01. I was the last appointment of the day, and he was running late. I had a two hour wait. He apologized really was no problem for me.
I found Dr. Sherer to be very down to earth and very forthright on the complications of Laparascopic Gastric Bypass, and what I could expect from all aspects of this surgery. I had a long list of question, and he answered them all without making me feel rushed.
I only have two objections:
Number one isn't about Dr. Sherer or his staff, but Shelby Baptist Medical Center in Alabaster. My room was so small that we couldn't even close the door without moving my bed. I know that many times I was "out there" for everyone (and there were a lot of them) to see.
The cleaning crew asked me twice if they could come in to clean...they swished the broom around one edge of the room and emptied my garbage...that was it. The hall was dirty also.
The WORST thing that I saw, was a nurse emptying my roommates Cathater bag then rinsing her finger tips under cold water and towel drying. Being in a brave "drug induced" state, I immediately told her she was supposed to wash her hands with warm water and soap for as long as it takes to sing "Happy Birthday". She just glared at me and went out in the hall to confinue delivering meals.
Number two problem: There is a real lack of communication as to what a patient is allowed to drink or eat after surgery. Dr. Shere's information told me one thing, the nutritionist at the hospital told me another, and Dr. Christopher who released me, told me a third.
My expereiences so far with Dr. Sherer have been very positive, and I certainly would
recommend him to anyone...I just really question the quality of care at Shelby


Haven't actually met him yet. I have just been confirmed for a first visit on Aug. 23.
However, everyone I have spoken to in his office has been really helpful.

Met with Dr. Sherer today. He is a very confident yet calming person. He gave me all the info--good & bad. My mother was with me & he addressed any questions she had as well. I feel very confident with him.He said that his office would take care of the insurance approval and that they would send the request in today by certified mail, so I am WAITING.


My surgery has been scheduled for October 12.
As soon as I was approved (they received my letter the same day I did) they called and scheduled my surgery.

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