Neil S. Marymor, MD, FACS Bariatric Surgeon
18 yr Experience
10.5 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
3 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 60+
18 yr Experience
10.5 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
3 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 60+
My first impression of my Dr. was a good one he was up front and very caring.
The office staff at BTc is very friendly and some of the staff have even had the Gastro bypass surgery so you can talk to them first hand.
BTC has before and after groups where you can talk to people who have had the surgery and people who are thinking of having the surgery.
Very nice guy who took his time and answered all of my questions. He came to visit while I was on the post-op floor and gave me his cell phone number upon my discharge just in case something went wrong or I had concerns. The staff was absolutely wonderful. They are all very nice and treated me great. There is a huge emphasis on after-care, to the point where i tried to change my two-week visit date and was encouraged to keep it as it was. They have two days for support groups, a website, and an 800 number for assistance. I don't have anything negative really, except that I had to share a room and that it was two rooms to a bathroom. So, my neighbor would always forget to unlock our side of the bathroom door. You can imagine how hard it is to get to the bathroom as is and then to not be able to get in was a travesty. Okaye I am exagerated, but it was irritating as all heck!
I would recommend Dr. Marymor. He was very patient and took the time to answer all my questions and concerns. There is a very structured aftercare program that includes a nutritionist.
Dr. Marymor has both a great bedside manner and surgical competence. He presents a very professional attitude - no joking or such but his concern is shown none the less. His office staff and the hospital staff were also fantastic.
He seemed very straight forward. Kind of up tight aat first but after talking to him for a while you just know that is his personality. I thought the office staff was very friendly. I enjoyed my consulatation to say the least. Future patients should be aware of him being very upfront and brutally honest with you. He tells what you have to do in order to get the surgery and he expects you to follow through. I recieved a letter in the mail from Barix clinic 2 years after I went from my consult to tell me how I was approved. He and all his staff remember me like I was there yesterday so Its good to know he remembers his patients. I felt very welcome. I will have to update about after care once I have had the surgery. My date is Sept. 13 wish me luck !
Dr. Marymor seemed like he knew exactly what I was going thru. Altho, he come across like he was tired of giving the consultation talk. He did show in details what would happen during the surgery and he answered every one of my questions as well as my husbands questions. He went over all of the positives and possible risks with the surgery. Everyone in the office was very friendly and attentive especially when I went for my PAT. The Barix Clinics have a very extensive program. You will be in their care long after the surgery.
My first impression of Dr. Marymor was he is a no-nonsense kind of guy. He was very straight forward. But I don't think that is a bad thing. He is very serious about his business and what he does. I was very impressed that when I was discharged he gave my husband and I his cell number (and actually answered it when we had an "emergency"). The hospital staff at BTC was wonderful as well. I would rate Dr. Marymor a 10 out of 10.
Humorous, competent, compassionate man.
I couldn't imagine a better surgeon.
Positive feedback for everything, staff, before & aftercare, follow-up - everything.
My husband has been attending to the finacial side of my surgery (filing papeers for re-imbursement) - and sometimes the communication between the BTC (now Barix) offices in Michigan and us need a bit of fine-tuning. This does not reflect on Dr. Marymor or the PA staff and everything has been worked out satisfactorily.
I had never had stitches, let alone surgery. I was tettified. I met Dr. Marymor and he was extremely personable. I felt comfprtable asking him questions and he even addressed a few things that I had not thought about. He covered everything. When I left, I was totally confident about him doing my surgery. He does not sugar-coat the truth, he is straight forward and honest. I felt as if not only did I value his time, but as if he valued my time as well. I am happy with the decision that I made and I my mind was at ease being confident in my choice.