Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 149 ratings

Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez Bariatric Surgeon MD, Ph.D, FACS.

Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

8 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

8 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

99% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

Max Age of Patient is 70

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication

ORBERA Intragastric Balloon

and 3 more...

149 Reviews for Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez
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What was really impressing about Dr. Pompa is her commitment to her patients well being, she genuinely seems interested in helping people have a better, healthier life. She gave me a lot of information about not just the surgical procedure best for me but of morbid obesity as well. Her staff was a lot like her, very human, very sincere and caring, they truly made me happy to have choose them.


The first thing I thought when I saw Dr. Pompa was that she seemed very smart and I wasn't wrong, my impression only got better after seeing how dedicated and she passionate she is about her work, she gave me all the information I needed to understand the surgery and the risks involved. Her staff was also very informative and helpful and gave me a great service and they emphasize a lot on the aftercare.


My first impression of Dr. Pompa was of a very smart person, very coherent and dedicated to her job, my impression has not changed, she has made sure of that. Her staff is great too, they are very helpful and take very good care of you, the all made sure I completely understood the risks involved with the surgery, as far as a rating I would give Dr. Pompa and her staff an A+ for both surgical competence and bedside manner.


What impressed me the most about Dr. Pompa was how cool she was, how relaxed and easy going she is, like confidence personified and it was very reassuring to me, her staff was pretty good too but as good as they were nothing compares to her.


The staff at Dr. Pompa's clinic is wonderful, very helpful and kind and are there whenever you need them.rnDr. Pompa is an amazing human being, she has a lot of patience and confidence in her self and it comes across and makes you feel confident.


Dr. Pompa and her staff were wonderful with me, they made me comfortable being there, they gave me a lot of useful information for before and after the lap band (aftercare). I appreciate their wonderful attention and recognize their commitment towards making this the best experience possible.


Hats off to Dr. Pompa and her amazing staff. They really now what they are doing and it is reflected in the work they do. I have never met an entire group so well trained and organized as them, it truly was impressive. Dr. Pompa, the leader, is a \"genius\" and I feel I'm falling short using this word to describe her, she is full of knowledge and courtesy, she made me feel so calm as soon as I walked in the door and so did her team. The attention is great and incomparable.


I am glad to have met Dr. Pompa and her staff, they are quality people, very informative and open to questions, They uniquely seemed interested in helping you and it is greatly appreciated. The made me feel very comfortable and relaxed, I was very nervous at first but they were very helpful and calming. After I talked to them all, I was never worried about my gastric bypass surgery.


My first impression of Dr. Pompa was of a lovely person, honest and direct but also very sensitive, she loves her profession and acts with a lot of respect. The amount of information she gave me, helped me decide on having surgery, she is very well educated and it showed immediately, her staff was the best and complemented her fantastically.rn


I was very pleased to have met Dr. Pompa, she is a very smart person, very honest and very caring, she gave me a lot of information about my surgery and answered every question I asked her. The staff at the clinic was very helpful and all had a very nice attitude, my questions seemed to never end and no one seemed to mind, they addressed my every concern and gained my trust.

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