Lee A. Schmitt (COE) Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.
17 yr Experience
22 yr in Bariatrics
22 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 15
Max Age of Patient is no maximum
17 yr Experience
22 yr in Bariatrics
22 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 15
Max Age of Patient is no maximum
I'd tried everything from liquids to hypnosis and it has been only six months since my sleeve surgery and I am down 80 pounds. I thank God for a new lease on life. No more breathlessness, exhaustion, sleep apnea and joint pain. I can play with my 8 year old twins now!!! Dr. Schmitt is the first and only doctor that has reached out to me on Facebook! He "heard" I was having discomfort 2 days post surgery and sent me a FB message to come in and see him. This spoke volumes to me and I have told everybody I know about this experience. Dr. Schmitt is the greatest. Veronica is a angel and the best cheerleader for weight loss patients. Her compassion is a virtue to be admired. Thank you!!
I was a healthy person with many conditions. I was a fat child, toddler, teen and young adult. I was moderately active. I had diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and back pain. I am african american and I was willing to be proactive and do whatever it took to return to good health. Dr. Schmitt has a excellent bedside manner. He made beautiful incisions and I healed well. He is a expert surgeon and would recommend him to anyone. The support groups are the best support system ever. They are educational, informational and very simple to understand. The aftercare info is comprehensive. Simply the best care. I love the guest speakers at support meets. Patients are unselfish with their advice and life experiences.
I am six month post op sleeve gastrectomy. I am in the process of getting my life back. The surgery was easy and I recovered very easily. So far life after surgery is great!!!I weighed 366.0 pounds on my first visit and now I weigh 283.8. I have lost 83 pounds in six months.
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Before my surgery I weighed 298 pounds. I had high blood pressure, sleep apnea and I was not happy with myself. I tried other diets and failed, so I decided to check into having gastric bypass. I got in touch Dr. Schmitt and followed through with him. He is a great doctor and if I had it to do over again , I would go through it all over again. I feel great and I am healthier than ever before. It is very important to attend the support group meetings. You have to eat healthy after surgery and it is a great tool so we must use it.
I am 22 years old and have been overweight my whole life. I can remember the first time I was called "fat", it was in pre-school. Finally when I became a diabetic, had high cholesterol, poly cystic ovarian disease I decided it was time to make a change. So I did research and found Dr. Schmitt and prayed God would show me if this was the right thing and he did. Dr. Schmitt has been so helpful, nice and pulling for me through the whole process. I really feel like every staff member at his office is pulling for my weight loss. It means the world to me.I will never regret my decision for having gastric bypas. It was the best decision I have ever made. I am three months post surgery and I have lost 70 pounds.
I was overweight all my life. I triedevery diet and never had problems losing the weight, just keeping it off was my defeat. I had gastric bypass and my life and outlook changed and I began a great new life. I have kepy my weight off for six years and thank God everyday for this blessing. Dr. Schmitt and his staff and the hospital were great. They made me feel special not because I was overweight but because I mattered to them.
I was 568 pounds prior to surgery, and I have currently lost over 300 ounds in two years. My life has totally changed thanks to the help of Dr. Schmitt. He is very wonderful and a great doctor. I would recommend him to anyone who is thinking about having the gastric bypass surgery. All I can say is that you need to go by ezactly what the doctors say to do and you have to stay in touch with them and keep a healthy lifestyle. Go to the support groups, they are wonderful.