Garth Davis

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 102 ratings

Garth Davis Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS

18 yr Experience

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 80

102 Reviews for Garth Davis
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My first impression of Dr. Garth Davis was great! He is very knowlegdable in bariactric surgery. I chose Dr. Davis because he was on my insurance and that he praticed out the Methodist hospital. Then I found out he and his father were on Big Medicine. A great show. I just had my surgery May 28th at University General Hospital. The staff at the Doctors office is great. Always returned calls and was very helpful. I am still recuperating from my surgery and will post a little more later.


My first impression of Dr. Garth is he really cares about helping his patients. And his office staff an awesome bunch of ladies and very helpful. I can't really say too much yet, but I am excited to finally have a surgery date of June 3rd. And I am looking forward to the rest of my life and know it will be healthier because of Dr. Garth. I will update this part after my surgery.


Dr. Garth is incredible. My experience with his entire office staff and the staff of the Methodist Hospital Weight Management Program has been phenomenal. Everyone is very personable, helpful and caring. Dr. Garth is very thorough and makes sure you understand how your anatomy will be reconstructed and any and all side affects and what you as the patient will need to do to achieve the required results. I would recommend Dr. Garth to anyone.


From the get-go, everyone involved has been warm, friendly, and helpful. Dr. Garth talks TO you and not AT you in an easy and concerned manner. He and his staff, as well as the staff at the Methodist Weight Management Center have made sure that we were well informed and emphasized that surgery is a tool, not a free pass to keep doing the same things that got us to this point. I was required by my insurance to do a 3 month supervised diet and surprisingly, really enjoyed the classes and information. The dieticians made sure we knew how critical post surgery nutrition would be and how much our success depended on following the eating guidelines and participating in follow up and support groups. Having \"graduated\" yesterday, I am eagerly awaiting the magical \"approved\" word from Aetna. I couldn't have picked a better surgeon or program. Knowing I am in good hands, definitely takes away some of those pre-surgery jitters. Wonderful, wonderful people who enjoy helping others!!!


I first saw my Dr. on Big Medicine. I thought ok now let me get to a seminar. I took my husband, mom,and dad with me. When I went in I was looking at the lap band and when I walked out he had changed my mind about the bypass,he is very educated and has a very well bedside manner.Dr. Davis and his father are truley concerned about the obisity problem that we face today.So after that I started the long process. About his office staff I have always had great experiences with them. I understand that they are very busy, just have patience.They are very big on aftercare. It is required. I will awnser more after surgery.


When I first went to the WLS seminar and heard Dr. G speak, I knew that he was the doctor for me. So when I made the appoint to go and see him in his office and meet with him one on one, bot I was right. His bed side manner was exceptional and awesome. I was blown away because I never knew a doctor who didn't critized me about my weight. I didn't hear from him that I should be ashamed of my self for getting that big or you're too fat and you need this surgery. What he said to me wa, and I'll never forget it for the rest of my natural life, is that \"we'll get you healthy and off of those pills.\" Man I was so excitied that I couldn't help but smile the rest of the visit. I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend him for your RNY or Lap Band surgery because you will be in great hands! The only negative thing that I have to say about my whole WLS experience is that when my bed got stuck in the elevator, Then had to get at least six people to get it unstuck. And when they did, they picked up the bed and dropped it! I was in so much pain that I couldn't walk later on. But other than that no problems.


My first impression was very positive. He seemed very intelligent but at the same time he is very laid-back and approchable. rnrnI felt very comfortable speaking with him. I have been a little disappointed dealing with his office staff. I turned in my complete file to the office manager and it took 5 weeks for it to get off her desk and into his hands. Once he got it, it was completed within two days. rnrnDr. Davis has a wonderful aftercare program and his entire team stress the aftercare at least as much, if not more, than the surgery itself. They are extremely helpful and willing to do whatever it takes to keep you on track.


I was very impressed with Dr. Garth Davis after my seminar and Methodist Hospital seems to have a very good bariatric program.


Very sweet, concerned man. Extremely knowledgeable about his speciality. Felt completely secure with him. Staff is very nice, a very busy office. Aftercare is extremely important. I would go to him again if needed and would suggest him to others.


Dr. Davis was not what I had expected after watching 'Big Medicine'. He was professional, no nonsense and confident. He asked if I had any questions and the question that I did have was more of a concern or worry. He answered my question and told me not to worry. With the confidence that he exhibited that worry was alleviated at that moment. What more could a person ask for? He is serious about follow up care and support meetings and rightfully so.rnrnThe office staff seemed helpful, nice and patient.

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