Eugene Rumsey Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.
13 yr Experience
12 yr in Bariatrics
4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 14
Max Age of Patient is 65

13 yr Experience
12 yr in Bariatrics
4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 14
Max Age of Patient is 65

I love Dr. Rumsey. He is capable, caring, thoughtful, and a down-right good surgeon. I wasn't even sure he did the surgery until he showed me pictures. And I met several of his patients who had the surgery the same day or soon after who felt exactly the same way. I am excited to continue this journey with him. Thank you Dr. Rumsey!

It's been almost 5 months after my last annual visit w/ Dr. Rumsey. I had gained 30 lbs since the visit prior to this last one, and felt awful, but after seeing Dr. Rumsey I felt even worse. Basically what I was told is that there is nothing more to do and if I'm serious about losing the weight I need to read "The China Study" and go plant based for my diet. This visit was very discouraging, considering the fact, I took two days off from work, drove 14 hours round trip and and all I got was 5 minutes of basically nothing supportive.
I had my first appointment w/ Dr. Rumsey on the 13th of September. He is very personable and the nurse at his office was nice. I am really excited about having this procedure done at Scripps Mercy and my patient coordinator has been very helpful when I've asked questions. The only person in the office I was put off by was the receptionist at check-in, but maybe she was having a bad day. Overall it was very positive and imformative.

My surgeon rocks. He is caring and patient. He worked with me so I could become healthy enough for surgery. When he sees me, I don't feel rushed. He listens and answers all my questions. He is on time with his appointments. He has never run more than 10 minutes late for me. I'm sure he does this with all of his patients.

Dr. Rumsey is the best surgeon I have had the good fortune to have had as my bariatric surgeon. He is patient, kind, knows exactly what to say, and helps to create a feeling of confidence in you. He has an amazing bedside manner, explains everything in a way that you can understand, not in 'doctorese'. I feel so very blessed to have had him as my surgeon and recommend him without any hesitation.

They drop off care at one year so there was only the follow up by my primary care physician, who had no real experience with the bariatric surgery. He has been great about the blood tests, but not helpful with the weight gain.
He was very nice, I saw him once after surgery and then saw his fellow physicians from his office for the follow ups.

Had surgery 9-27-10, and had very minimal pain. By the time I was released from the hospital day 4, I wasn't on any pain meds. I was a bit sore in my stomach area however, nothing I couldn't handle. I was able to get in and out of bed with no help. Dr. Rumsey is a great surgeon. I would recommend anyone to him considering going through this procedure. He truly has a good hand. With my gall bladder surgery I had extreme pain post op compared to my RNY. Go figure :)