David Kam

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 83 ratings

David Kam Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

9+ yr Experience

7+ yr in Bariatrics

18+ yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4+ yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

83 Reviews for David Kam
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I met Dr Kam on my first consultation. He was very pleasant and took the time to answer all my questions. The clinic scheduled my consultation and I drove two hours to get there and half way there was called and told Dr. Kam had an emergency and had to leave. I was upset to say the least, took the afternoon off my job and drove 2 hours, daughter also took off work to go with me. The nurse on the other end must have heard my frustration and said she would see if she could get him to return to see me. She called me back and said it would be two hours later, but he would return for me. I was so thankful! The first consultation is so "premature" because you are "hoping" to be approved for surgery, so the actual questions that come into your head are different, than the questions you have once you know the surgery is really going to happen.
I have my preadmission testing on Tuesday and hoped to see him (Dr Kam)again to discuss the surgery, but they say another physician will be there to answer questions. Evidentally, Dr Jones does the reviews before the surgery. My only recommendation would be to meet with the surgeon before you have the actual surgery, not the day of surgery. I don't think you feel you know the physician with one visit. The office staff seemed nice, although it was a little unorganized that day, the worker I was supposed to talk to (who also had the surgery) had to leave early, so I wasn't able to talk to her. Again, I think it makes you feel more comfortable when you talk to someone who has had the surgery. I feel very confident that the Batrix Clinic, staff and Dr. Kam will be great and my surgery (scheduled for the 6th of Sept) will be successful. I am anxiouslly awaiting the date.


Re: Dr. David Kam MD

He was very friendly and personable at my consultation (7-15-05). He stated that he felt a good "bedside" manner was important and he seemed to exemplify this well.

His office staff (at Barix Clinics in Ypsilanti) were all very friendly and helpful.

He emphasized how this surgery is a tool and if used properly (follow the "rules" and dietary advice), it would continue to be successful. Follow up and ongoing support is important and helpful. And avoiding sugars is mandatory since the body is adaptable and you can recondition it over time to revert to the same problems you had prior to the operation.

I am still pre-surgical and insurance approval is pending, but I found Dr. Kam to be up-front, straight forward and informative. (posted 7-25-05)


Dr. Kam, from the Barix Clinics in Ypsilanti, MI, was (or should I say... Is) great. He was very forthcoming in the consultation, telling everything that could happen with the surgery, including problems. This honesty really made me feel more comfortable with him. His staff was very supportive of me and were always caring of me and my needs (as little as they may have seemed). I would recommend Dr. Kam to anyone interested in Bariatric Surgery.


I really liked Dr. Kam from the first time I met him. He was so to the point about the surgery, and the risks involved. Dr. Kam's office staff are a group of dedicated and caring people. Dr. Kam is a very up front and tells it like it is. He has a gentle personality, soft spoken, concerned, caring and has a wonderful beside manner. He never makes you feel like he is in a hurry, if you have questions, he will take the time to answer them. I feel so fortunate that I was able to have Dr. Kam as my surgeon. He has done many, many, surgeries, and I felt very confident with him. Yes, he emphasizes aftercare and they have a phone number you can call anytime with questions. Yes the aftercare is very structured. You get this big binder with all the information you need to know. It lists the foods you can eat at each stage of healing, gives you a grocery list also. This "bible" as they call it, even has tons of receipes in it. It tells you how much protein is in each type of food you will be eating. It has a section on excerise, protein, vitamins, and even how you may feel pyschologically and emotionally after your surgery. I rate Dr. Kam a 15 on a scale from 1 to 10!

I personally think surgical competence is more important than bedside manner, but I got lucky with Dr. Kam because he had both.


Meet Dr. Kam on June 3rd. I was so impressed with him. He seemed very geniune, very sensitive and very personable. He took the time to explain things to my husband and I told us all the pros and cons and advised us about what we needed to do. He was awesome.


On Monday, June 13th, 2005, I had a appointment scheduled with Dr. Kam for 2:00 p.m. My friend that was the one that told me so much about Mr. Kam had a 10:45 a.m. appt the same day. When we arrived to the clinic,I just got done asking the receptionist (Patti) if there had been any cancelations, hoping to get in way before 2 so my friend and I would not have to wait around all day. Doc Kam happened to be walking by and stopped and shook angie's hand and she interduced him to me, and told him I was going to be seeing him today for a consaltation at 2. He said, oh I bet I could see you at the same time as Angie. I thought that was very nice. Everyone there was nice. My session went well, he explained everything detail to detail. I felt comfortable with him. He even gave me a card with his after hours phone number, if I had any guestions. I really feel confident to put my life in his hands.


I've only had one meeting with Dr. Kam, but I was very impressed with his friendliness and his willingness to answer any questions I had. He went through the different options I have and talked extensively about post-op and the importance of following new "rules." He emphasized several times that the surgery is just a tool and that I have to do all the work afterwards. He was very encouraging, but wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into. I took my mom with me and he included her in the conversation, making sure she understood the procedures as well. She's my main support person, so I was glad he helped her understand what I would be going through. He ordered a stress test (my cholesterol and triglicerides were high at my last checkup) and a psych eval, which is required by my insurance (BCBS PPO), and I was on my way. I feel very confident placing myself in his hands.


The initial consult seemed rushed and I wan't 100% satisfied. But after a lot of research on him,
I feel he is very competent and is an excellent surgeon. I am going to be putting my life in his steady,competent hands.

I have spoken to Dr. Kam on the phone and he stopped in to see me again when I was at the clinic.He is so great. He is very informative and very personable.I am so happy to have him as my surgeon.
Together we are going to put me on the course of a healthier,happier life!
5-9-05 1 week post-op
Dr.Kam gets an A+ ! There is nothing I think he needs to improve on. Great surgeon! Great person!I hope he never leaves Barix Clinic.


My first impression was one of confidence in the information that he was giving me about the surgery,its benefits and risks. As my surgery date arrived he talked to my husband and myself about what was to happen, and answered any questions that we might have had. I was extremely impressed and comforted when he offered to say a prayer with me before surgery. After surgery he explained to my family how the surgery went and what they could expect. He checked on me frequently post-op and upon discharge explained that I should call him or his partners with any questions or problems that I might have. Barix has an extremely structured aftercare program and he talked at length about what I needed to do and when I could increase my intake. I would definately reccomend him. In my opinion I would say that he has both surgical competence and bedside manner.


My first impression of Dr. Kam was....huh, he's not as bad as the girls at the clinic made him out to be. I like this guy. Besides the OB/GYN he's the only Dr. that has done surgery on me. I didn't like how hard it was to get an appt. with him but, he was working at the MSU Dept of Surgery then. That he's a straight up kind of guy and he won't talk to you in "Dr. talk" but, like your a normal person. That he is an EXCELLENT surgeon and a good christian man. He has good aftercare, he left the practice where I was seeing him but, I went through th Sparrow Weight Management Ctr. in Lansing, Mi and they have a VERY Structured aftercare program. He did discuss the risks and pros and cons of surgery. He was very straight forward about it. Overall, I thought he did and EXCELLENT job and he is a great doctor.

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