Arif Ahmad

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.83333333333 out of 5 with 114 ratings

Arif Ahmad Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FRCS

18 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 65

114 Reviews for Arif Ahmad
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Dr. Ahmad is absolutely the best. My first impression of him was that he was honest and competent but yet very caring. His office staff is wonderful and helpful. His wife Sema is just an incredible women. I cannot even explain in so many words how they have changed my life so far and I'm only on my fourth month (lost 73 lbs.).


Simply put...He is the best! I have had surgery's in the past and I have never encountered a surgeon that makes you feel the way Dr. Ahmad made me feel. I felt so very comfortable from the first moment I heard him speak at his seminar. His visits to me in the hospital were frequent and timely. He didn't run in and then run out like surgeons that I have had in the past. Dr. Ahmad made sure that I was comfortable and had everything that I needed. Like I said in the begining, he is the best.


the fisrt time i met dr ahmad was at a teaching seminar he provides monthly. Him and his wife sema are amazing people both are very nice and alwas smiling. Dr ahmad spent alot of time in the consultation going over risks and benifits and making sure that i had a very clear picture of the road ahead. The office staff is equally amazing. Walking into his office is like walking into a family members house everybody remembers your name and greats your with a smile.
Dr. ahmad is very strict about pre and post op care and make it very easy to continue seeing him. I am having the lap-band done and he has told me that he makes it as easy as possible to get fills. He also has a support group that meets regularly that you are engouraged to attend.


I just wanted to say how happy I am with Dr. Ahmad and his staff. I had my surgery on April 20, 2005 and from the first time I met Dr. Ahmad I was impressed with his professional way and his bedside manner. He is so caring and compassionate as is his wife Seema who also works in the office. I am greeted by name everytime I go in for a follow-up. This has been the best decision of my life and I am completely confident in Dr. Ahmads ability and knowledge in this type of surgery. He is highly recommended to anyone interest in this procedure.


My first impression was that Dr. Ahmad was very intelligent and he seemed to care a great deal about his patients. He and Seema both assured me that all will turn out fine and of course everything turned out great! The ladies in the office, including the nutritionist and billing ladies are always kind and helpful whether you call or stop in. Now post op I still feel comfortable and welcomed each time I enter the office. They keep on top of all medical issues as well as support issues. Seema runs a great support class each month that is quite helpful. They make an excellent team!


Dr. Ahmad is a very warm and compassionate man, he takes his time explaining and making sure you know everything that is going to happen to you. His wife Seema is someone who I would want to have as my friend besides the professional that she is. They compliment one another in the workplace and I can only imagine their strong bond in being married to one another. I look forward to a very long and lasting relationship with the both of them.. Looking forward to being on the "losing side" of life.


I met Dr. Ahmad in February, 2005 at an information seminar at Mather Hospital. I found him to be very informative and willing to answer any and all questions. I made my consultation appointment shortly after that and met with Seema (Dr. Ahmad's wife) before seeing Dr. Ahmad. This woman is amazing..simply incredible. She is the most caring person I have probably ever encountered. She laid out what the insurance company wanted in order to be approved for surgery and told me if I had any questions at all they would be more than happy to help me. Dr. Ahmad was next...he examined me, told me what he needed and smiled brightly. I didn't feel as if I were just another patient; I was important. I did everything I needed to do for this surgery...cardiologist, nutritionist, pulmonologist, psychiatrist, upper endoscopy, weight loss..Dr. Ahmad and Seema were happy with each and every step I took closer to my goal..Finally the day came for approval...I was denied at Mather Hospital..I was so depressed that I was ready to give up..Seema told me not to be upset that we would figure it out and work things out. I appealed the denial and was approved for the surgery at St. Charles Hospital just days later...I called Seema and felt as if she were almost as happy as I was. I went for pre-surgical testing and on Sept 9, 2005 I was admitted for surgery. Dr. Ahmad came to see me right before they took me in, once again with a smile on his face and said that everything was going to be just fine and he would see me after the surgery. I don't remember if he was there when I woke up in recovery or not (I don't remember much of that) but he was there on Saturday morning smiling again and said that everything went perfectly. He and Seema came to visit me on Sunday in the hospital...I was the very first RNY surgery done at St. Charles..I was treated like a queen..Dr. Ahmad and Seema are one of a kind...I have never met anyone like them before and I am looking forward to a very long relationship with them...I would recommend them to anyone looking to have RNY surgery...they actually care about their patients. Thank're both wonderful!


My first impression of Dr. Ahmad was that he was a very caring and compassionate Doctor. I believe he truly cares about each and every one of his patients. I first met with Dr. Ahmad in early May at his informational seminar. I was comfortable with him from the very beginning. I immediatley made an appointment for my consultation. His staff is very thourough and professional. I had all of my preop testing done within a 6 week period and had an answer from the insurance company within a day or so. My whole experience went very smoothly and Mather Hospital was also wonderful. I would give my WLS experience a big 10+ on a scale of 1-10. Dr. Ahmad has helped to change my life for better and I am very thankful for that.


My first impression of Dr Ahmad was that he was an extremely kind compassionate man who was very serious about his work. His examination and evaluation of me as a patient was tactfully determined. He used his words softly and was very reassuring. At the same time he made it clear the surgery was not a quick fix. That even the preparation for the surgery including a 20-30 percent wt loss of my total body weight, would be required as a preparation for a lifetime committment to changing my eating patterns as well as food choices. He seemed at the same time to exhibit a kind of shynes that was quite disarming. I felt he was extremely sensative to the total picture, and sort of taking me into his intuitive mind as well as his clinical analysis. He laid out clearly the risks involved. As time went on I found him more rigid and somewhat, by my standards, demanding. But in the end I knew his concern was for me and my best. And as a result when I went into the OR I KNEW I was in the best hands possible. There were complications with my surgery and he handled them with no negative consequence to me. His bedside manner was friendly and compatent. And he took much pride in his work. The follow up care was stressed from the initial visit as being very important. I felt well prepared for the surgery as well as the post op period. Doctor Ahmad is committed to making the world a better place by putting morbidly and super morbidly obese people back on their feet and into happier lives. Aside from the concerns we all share about adequate income, Dr Ahmad gives no impression of being aggressive in recruiting patients. There are no perfect people. Dr Ahmad has his faults, I am sure. But he did a great job on me. And I would recommend him to anyone who is really serious about chang and accepting a participatory role in their pre and post op progress. His staff are supportive. There was a staff change during my pre op time that caused me some disappointment. Dr Ahmad had a nurse practioner working directly with him and she was wonderful and down to earth. She worked closely with Dr Ahmad and was very available as a patient support.



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