Arif Ahmad

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.83333333333 out of 5 with 114 ratings

Arif Ahmad Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FRCS

18 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 65

114 Reviews for Arif Ahmad
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The first time I met Dr. Ahmad was at an information seminar he hosted in July, 06. I found him to be very soft spoken, warm and extremely knowledgeable. I made my first appointment, which was two weeks later. Everything about that visit was GREAT. I didnt have to wait long, the staff was very helpful and pleasant. As for Dr. Ahmad, I cant say enough about him. He was caring and took his time. I found this to be an good experience unlike the first time I ventured to have wls. That doctor was not as warm and caring, he actually appeared to be so into himself and the wait to see him for the initial appointment was 2 1/2 hours. His staff was rude and not very helpful. And you ask why I didnt have the surgery 2 years ago? It was an uncomfortable feeling I got from the doctor at the time and his staff, unlike Dr. Ahmad who is WONDERFUL. I would suggest anyone interested in having wls to go to him.


Dr. Ahmad has saved my life! He has given me the opportunity to live a fulfilling life again. He has brought the smile back to my face. Dr. Ahmad and his wife Seema are very kind, caring professionals who are genuinely concerned for each and every patient. The moral support I have received from Amanda and Kim is a gift I will never forget. I feel like I am part of Dr. Ahmad's \"office family\". rnrnDr. Ahmad never gave up on me, even when I had difficulty loosing weight before my surgery. His support and encouragement enabled me to forge forward. Since this was my first surgery ever, I was extremely anxious about having Gastric Bypass Surgery. Dr. Ahmad, Seema and the entire staff helped me through all these hurdles. The strong support of my husband Tom, my best friend, and especially my mother was even more valuable. I surrounded myself with positive people who supported my needs and goals. The support group was an inspiration for me as I listened to so many patients describe how their lives have changed for the better.


I feel that Dr. Arif Ahmad is a truly wonderful man. \"Behind every wonderful man is a great lady\"....his wife Seema! rnrnDr. Ahmad reminds me of the Pillsbury Doughboy, he always has a warm genuiine smile on his face.rnrnI love the fact that he takes his time and answers any and every question in terms for me to fully understand.rnrnI also love the fact that he is the only doctor in the office. Therefore, he will see you on all your pre/post visits. Too many Bariatric surgeons today are hiring PA's and others to help out. That is not exactly a personal touch!rnWith Dr. Ahmad you are guaranteed the very BEST.


'i love dr ahmad and his wife seema and teh entire staff!!!!!!!!!!!! the first impression of the group was outstanding! i am an rn and i see a lot of md's


Dr. Ahmad and Seema are wonderful people to take this journey with. They are always there to help and guide you on a daily basis.


Dr. Ahmad and his whole office staff was the best I could have ever wished for. He is the most compassionate man there is. He made my family and friends feel very comfortable in dealing with my surgery. His wife Seema who handles the 'paperwork plusss' is also amazing. After my first trip to the office, they knew me by my name. He really cares about his patients. I would recommend him to anyone. It has been a very long journey and they have been with me every step of the way. There is nothing at all that I could say that is negative about him or his office.


I first met him 4/12/06 at his seminar.
He is highly recommended by my family doctor.
My first impression is that he knows what he is doing and is a personable doctor.
I have my first appointment on 4/25/06.
I will update then.


What can I say about Dr. Ahmad? He is the most professional, caring, attentive healthcare professional I have ever encountered. His interest in my case was genuine and he managed my expectations perfectly! I had investigated multiple facilities for my surgery and after my first encounter with Dr. Ahmad the only logical choice was to have him perform it. I was a whirlwind patient in the fact that I attended his seminar on January 09, 2006 and had the surgery on February 09, 2006. This aggressive schedule was necessitated by my work schedule. At first he was hesitant to accommodate me due to not knowing enough about me but he did not rule my request out. As I demonstrated my resolve and commitment to him it became evident that I was ready and he was comfortable. My surgery went without a hitch and I am now one month removed from that life changing day.

Dr. Ahamd’s staff is a courteous and professional team and is also dedicated to customer satisfaction. From Dr. Ahamad’s wife Sema to Amanda the receptionist to the Dietitian (forgive me, I can’t locate her name) all are wonderful people.


Everything has gone well with my surgery, Dr. Ahmad is like a friend who has helped me cross a bridge. I only have praise for him and his staff...they care about what they do. Thanks to all of them, Gary Foerster


i first went to dr ahmads seminar which he requires of all future patients and found him to be a very upfront type of a doctor with compassion in his voice. the first consult with him was very up lifting-he explained every thing in a very understandable way. i liked him even more with the person to person interview. he made feel very comfortble. he wants you totally understand everything that is involved with the surgery-even by giving a quiz!! everything about dr ahmad is very structed because he wants the best out come from his paients. his office is a very caring and well run office. there is nothing i don't like about dr ahmad or his office and i wouldn't change a thing. he explained the risks of the bypass and lap band surgery in a very easy to understand format. i would rate dr ahmad with an e for excellence. i would say dr ahmad possess' both surgical competence and bedside manner. he very strongly emphasizes the aftercare and explained the he surgry is not a cure all and if we don't give 100% of dedication hat weight gain would be possible. i know what i'm in for and i'm gun ho for it. i want my life back!! i want to feel better and look better and will do what has to be done to achieve it!!

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