Anthony Terracina

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 93 ratings

Anthony Terracina Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

10 yr Experience

12 yr in Bariatrics

20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

93 Reviews for Anthony Terracina
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It was back to the basics with this Doctor! rnHe is not only kind, but he takes the needed time with each patient. Some doctors lose sight of that because of work load or other things. Dr. Terracina is very professional and knowledgeable of his trade. I feel very comfortable in his presence and I am assured that with his guidance I will achieve my goals.rnrnrnrnrnrn6 Jan 2007rnrnI went to Dr. Terracina's seminar and he was great. I spoke with him after in the hallway as I had some personal questions that I wanted to ask. He and his staff are great. Although I dont like the fact that I only get to meet with him one time before surgery. I prefer a get to know session before surgery.


Dr Terracina was overall friendliness and he not only showed that he was knowledgable and understanding but he also was able to communicate that very well.rnrnThe office staff has been nothing but helpful. rnrn


I absolutely love everything about Dr. Terracina and his staff. He absolutely deserves a four-star rating from beginning intro class through the aftercare program!!! All of my questions were answered, and being self-pay, I was able to have my surgery in about 3 weeks from the into class!


I must say that Dr. T's surgical competence and bedside manner are outstanding. His skills/knowledge can't be compared. He is just an excellent doctor.


My first impression of Dr. Terracina was that he is a perfectionist with a personality. He has an excellent bedside manner. He nevers seems to be rushed, he answers all questions, and he has only the patient's best interest at heart. I feel that Dr. T has been blessed with his skills as a surgeon and I would recommend him to anyone. I feel like he is there for me every step of the way.


Dr. Terrincino is the greatest. He is very kind and he listens and answered all of my questions. I am so glad that he was my doctor. I would highly recommend him to anyone. I thank God for putting doctors that actually care on this earth!!!


He was very nice, very informative. I will make a more detailed assestment when I do my consult with him that does not happen until a month before surgery


Dr. Terracina is a great Dr. and very competent. His manner gives a sense of competance and caring. He is very informative during all of his visits. He was very sensitive in alleving my fears of surgery in general. This was my first surgery ever. Like they tell ya, jot down your questions and bring them with you on a peice of paper. He will answer them. No question is a bad one. I was asking him things like \" Should I insure my Lap Band with my home owners? Is there a special catergory of ' medical implant ' insurance.\" I thought it was a stupid and a bit manic of me to ask but it was something on my mind. He answered my question and did not make me feel like a dork for asking. rnrnI would say though that his patient load is becoming excessive and some of that may show through in your visit experience. He is a very competant surgeon and has your care foremost in your mind. If you feel rushed or like you did not have enough quality time with him don't take it personally. Like any business when ya get busy you may gloss over things. You just have to make sure that you come prepared for your visits. If you have follow up questions he is accessible and will give you a call back. rnrnThe nursing staff was also excellent. They were keen on answering questions and making you feel welcome. When I had follow up questions nine times out of ten it was a question that a nurse could answer and they would call me back quickly or talk to me when I called if possible. rnrnAlthough the office staff was very friendly they seemed to lack a sense of organization. I would say their biggest obsticle is follow up. You make a request like \"faxing\" documents to your cardiologist or other offices and it is not done. When they would tell me they would call me with follow up appointments they would not. I would have to call them four days later and follow up. Again this maybe a result of the fact that the clinic is growing by leaps and bounds. I just recommend getting everything taken care of why you are there. Make your appointments, make sure they complete any documentation faxing. rnrnAnother thing that I found a bit disconcerting was the fact that being a lap band patient I was definetly in the minority at the clinic. The patient support materials are primarily concerned with the Ruen Y and bypass surgery. When I would go to class the teachers would spend an hour on something like \"dumping syndrome\" and \" my hospital stay\" Then at the end say \" For those of you that are having the Lap Band, none of this applies. I felt like \" why am I here?\" The nurse in charge of patient support materials indicated to me when I expressed my concerns over this that the lap band is a recent addition to the clinic and that they were in the process of developing patient support just for lap band patients. If that comes to fruition then this will hopefully no longer be an issue. rnrnThe after care with Dr. Terracina is outstanding. Once you are a patient with him you are a patient for life. I was a self pay patient. His prices seemed to be reasonable and there is a ton of long term follow up included with his price points. rnrnOverall Dr. Terracina made my surgery experience a relativley smooth experience. I had no doubt he had my well being and comfort foremost in his mind. He and his staff want you to succeed! The minor barriers that I may have faced were definetly very easy to overcome. I would recommend Dr \"T\" and WLSC to everyone.


I think Dr. Terracina is an great man, and an excellent surgeon. My first impression of him was that he was meticulous. I though I could cut myself on the creases in his shirt and slacks! This was significant for me as I want my surgeon th be attentive to detail! As I have gotten to know him, he is also kind and compassionate. As a RN, I find this delightful! There aren't a lot of surgeons I'd like to hang out with, but Dr. Terracina is more than a good sureon, he is a good person! rnI think his staff is adequate, although I feel they are overwhelmed, specifically limited by the small amount of office space, and the large volume of persons they are helping. I think a new office is in the works and this will be a relief to all.rnI can't really say there is anything I dislike about Dr. Terracina. He exceeded my expectations. I guess from reading this review you might expect him to be overly friendly, but he is very formal and appropriate.rnAftercare has been the key to my success, I like knowing I am not just cut lose and on my own. The program is structured very nicely.rnThe risks of surgery were discussed in depth, I felt confident and cautious.rnI rank Dr. Terricina as one of the best physicans I have ever dealt with, and in my line of work I encounter many.rnIf I have to choose between competence and bedside manner, competence wins because I had very little pain, beautiful incisions, I am losing weight steadily, and have had no complications. But in truth his bedside manner is excellent, as well. rn


My first impression of Dr. Terracinia was very positive. I attended a support group metting back in December of 2005 and he was caring and took time to answer any questions that arised from the floor. His staff is great

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