Rovito Bariatric Center

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 78 ratings

Rovito Bariatric Center Bariatric Center

Peter Rovito Profile Pic
Peter Rovito
Karen Benway Profile Pic
Karen Benway

78 Reviews for Rovito Bariatric Center
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My first impression of Dr.Rovito was that he truly wanted to help me and i still feel the same way 13 months later after my surgery. His office staff are happy, friendly people. He is a very nice person but he has no after care program other than office visits. I feel he should go into more detail about aftercare and the amount of our possible weight lose that we may or may not lose and that we may still need to diet. Also that we may have trouble with some types of food for the rest of our lives. I personalty have lost 86 pounds of my 240 which i am very happy with but some people may expect more. He was very up front about the risk of surgery and I would rate him 8 out 0f 10 over all. He is a very competent surgeon with a good bedside manner. I chose him because of his experience as a surgeon.


Dr Peter Rovito is the greatest. He is not the typical Doctor, he is is interested in his patients and makes one very comfortable.When ever I need an operation I will check to see if he does that operation.
Future pateints should know when DR Rovito is with you, nothing else matters, you are his only concern. I think he over stressed the risks of surgery, when I came too I had no pain, I didn't know if he operated or not. To me the operation was the peice of cake I couldn't have. I truely wish everyone would be able to have Dr Rovito for the bypass surgery.


Dr. Rovito is a highly skilled very personable surgeron.

His bed side manner was very good.

He was very informative in our pre-op meetings.

would recommend him to anyone


He is a great dr. My wife had the surgery doen in Feb of 2002 and she is doing great.


I was very impressed the first time I saw him and he called for me personally from the waiting room. Never saw a doctor do that before. He's performed over 300 of these surgeries and I have every confidance in his surgical skills as I have only heard good things from other nurses I work with who've been around for a while. His office staff has been very friendly and helpful. The day I got my insurance approval in the mail I called the office to set a date, and the girl I talked to said I must have been psychic because she was just about to call me. They had a cancellation and were able to give me a surgery date only 11 days after I got the approval. Dr. Rovito went over several risks with me, even though as a nurse I was already aware of them. He requires you to take a nutrition class offered by the hospital, although my surgery is happening so fast that I'm not able to take the class until after the surgery.


he was so down to earth open and honestand very impression of him has not changed at all.his office is very nice and his staff is very warm and friendly.there is
nothing about DR. Rovito I don't like.future
patients should know how warm and caring he is.he put great emphasis on how I am to take of myself after surgery.yes he does have a structured program.when talking to about the risks of the surgery he was very open and very informative he hid hundred
and ten percent.both are great.


well i thought i mentioned in the beginning what a great guy, he was the best & still to this day very caring i think he was what got me through all this, the surgeon is what either makes it easy or if you get someone who doesn't explain things make make it harder for you.. his office staff i fell in love with..he let me know from the beggining it wasn't gonna be easy if i didn't listen
you have to know everything is going to change. he told me all the risks and thank god it all worked out for me.he was the best i've talked to other people who had different surgeons i think he was the best for me..i think all around he kept me informed at all levels he was there for me before and after surgery.


I felt very easy from the first meeting with Dr. Rovito. You immediately get the feeling that he's not a doctor who piles them in by the herd, gives an allotted ten minutes and moves on.

He's very forthright and personable. He thoroughly discussed the risks of surgery. I can honestly say there is nothing I don't like about him. His office staff is very nice and helpful. I remember when Karen in his office called to tell me I had been approved, she sounded as excited as me.

I would probably only let Dr. Rovito do this surgery on me. He told me about the pre-op class which was very informative and after hearing the nurse that discussed the surgery in the class (who was also a patient), I was so impressed with how Dr. Rovito is so thorough and makes sure his patients get the best care possible.

It's nice to meet a doctor out there who really does still live by the Hypocratic Oath.


well first off what can i say in words what this man means to me?? first off he gave me a new start in life which i couldnt do alone. He is the most wonderful person any one can come across for help. He is very very nice has a positive attitude towards all of his patients. DR Rovito treats his patients as if they were the only one he had taking special care in every aspect of the peson for who they are not for what they look like he sees the real person from the inside and not out. I am looking forward to my visits with him and the long road ahead of me on the loosing side. Thank you so much DR Rovito for the start of a wonderful life for me my two beautiful childern who soon i will be able to enjoy much more. Sincerly Rick Gerhart


I have known Dr. Rovito for years.
Until recently, I did not know that he did this procedure.

Someone else may think that he rushes you --
but I believe he is very busy. Also, he has a very nice persona.

I have also known most of the office staff.
Barbara is wonderful.

Dr. Rovito simply explained aftercare. He knew that I spent a lot of time reading articles on the internet -- that could be the reason he did not go in to alot of detail

Also, I did not have any questions.

My second appointment is in two days. My surgery is scheduled the following week.

I realize that risks and aftercare are going to be addressed during this appointment.

I would recommend Dr. Rovito to anyone.

But I would suggest (yet I do not have much experience in the matter) checking with your General Physician (which I did) and look into as much good information that is out there.

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