Rovito Bariatric Center

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 78 ratings

Rovito Bariatric Center Bariatric Center

Peter Rovito Profile Pic
Peter Rovito
Karen Benway Profile Pic
Karen Benway

78 Reviews for Rovito Bariatric Center
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My first impression of Dr Rovito was a good great one. He was funny and straight to the point. I was happily suprised he was so cool. Over time my opinion of Dr Rovito was even stronger then it was before. I had some complications and he was always there telling me what needed to be said not no BS. His office staff is also pretty cool. They worked closely with me to make sure my insurance approved the surgery. They are very caring as well. If you are in the area Dr Rovito is the only choose for you. Dr Rovito is upfront and will tell you all that could happen and wont dissappoint you. I cant say enough about Dr Rovito and his team.


My surgeon was awesome. He was very forward and he told me like it was. His office staff was wonderful. They wer every helpful and very friendly. The first appointment Dr. Rovito went over the details of the surgery including what to expect before, during and after the surgery. He was very candid, forward and blunt. I loved that about him. After care was great. I saw him once a month for a while and then it got spread out further. He was very picky about his patients and how they were treated in his office as well as in the hospital. He is one of the best in the valley and I have since had 2 more surgeries done by him.


Absolute perfection in a surgeon. I can't say enough wonderful things about him. My impression has not changed over time. He was honest about the risks of surgery. There was no structured aftercare program, however, that wasn't a problem for me. Overall, he met all of my needs. rnrn8/7/04 Just don't make the mistake I made. Pete is a wonderful bariatric surgeon. I think he is the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He treated me like a queen. However, I made the mistake of trying to take my mother-in-law to him for liver cancer because he is a general surgeon. He along with 5 other specialty doctors gave her the poorest care I can imagine. She needed to be in a big city cancer center. I put my trust in him thinking he was such a decent, wonderful person when in reality he did not give proper care. I blame myself. I could blame him but is he a good surgeon? Yep, he is a marvelous surgeon. He's just not perfect. Bariatric surgery is his forte.


My impression of Dr. Rovito is that he would do a great stand up act while performing surgery. He has a fantastic sense of humor. He put me at ease while laying out all the facts regarding the surgery. He is, in fact, The King. Also, his staff are friendly and VERY helpful.

Oh, and he looks HOT in scrubs! Nice bod doc!


Dr. Rovito is a very talented surgeon (2 other surguries with him) and he is sympathetic to the plight of those who are overweight.


My first impression of Peter Rovito was one of comfort. I had never broken a bone or even had a stitch in my life. He is a much more conservative doctor than the others that I have seen but took the time to answer my questions and though I was only 21 he did not treat me like a child.
My impression of him did not change over time, my surgery was performed 7 weeks after the day that I met him.
His office staff was incredible, they knew me by name and told me how well I looked and were always willing to guide me in the direction that I asked, and honestly were not afraid to tell me if the question that I had needed to be directed to a different doctor with more expertise in a specific area.
Future patients should know that Dr. Rovito is a wonderful person and I would go back to him and do it again if I had to.
There is not such a structured after-care program, since Dr.Rovito seems to work with a lot of very independent people I think he left a lot of that to me. My surgery was a week before thanksgiving and thanksgiivng day he had me trying a tiny bite of turkey and mashed potatoes. He said how important it was to integrate my eating into what I could make for myself, no baby food and strained carrots.
He did stress the risks of surgery and let me know all of the statistics but by the same token he has had very good success rates and so that did comfort me.
His bedside manner was one of comfort and he was direct with me. I would give him a 10, honestly. Perhaps someone who is very very scared and more overweight than I was would want someone more conservative, but if you have done your research and are a competent person as I was, he is just what you need. He is honest and cut and dry (and honestly he is a funny guy as well) and i was out of the hospital the day after my surgery and back at work in 8 days. He did not baby me, and I did not want to be babied. My surgery scars are so very tiny they are barely visible at ALL even though they are on all of this flabby after surgery skin. I wish I hadn't moved, I would love him to see me now!


very good and caring doctor. was very informative and competent. would refer him toanyone, my impression hasnt changed, office staff is wonderful and caring. there isnt anything i dont like about him. he follows up with you. he addressed fully the risks of the surgery. on a scale of l to l0 as l0 is the highest that is what i give him, not only does he had great surgical skills he also has a great bedside charm


Dr. Rovito is great. Very down to earth when running through the process. I was nervous going in, but the office staff and Rovito do the most they can to make you feel comfortable. I don't know how to rate everyone at the office because I went no place else, but I couldn't have asked for a better initial impression.


First let me say I did my homework when it came to surgeons. Even though we had capable surgeons in my area who do this surgery I chose to drive 1 1/2 hours to have Dr Rovito be my surgeon. Why? Because he has been doing gastric bypass surgery for 20 years. 10 years he's been doing it lap! His methods are documented in Medical Journals. In my opinion I feel I chose the best surgeon for the job. I was up walking within hours of my surgery.


He came highly recommended by a staff member I knew as a friend. He is very straight forward, honest & thorough. He is very friendly. His other patients I know & have spoken to praise him.

I knew a staff member already and they were all very helpful and supportive.

I liked everything about him, so far....I'm one week post op, still away to go.

He was very straight forward and thorough on the risks of the surgery.

I was at a 'teaching hospital' and he introduced me to the three internists who were assisting him. I saw more of them but it was fine with me because most of the time I was recovering and could care less who was poking at me! I didn't not have any complications with the procedure just the anesthesia. His surgical skills I say are excellent, I have little pain! He has a good bedside manner, joking around when you feel like crap!

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