Rovito Bariatric Center

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 78 ratings

Rovito Bariatric Center Bariatric Center

Peter Rovito Profile Pic
Peter Rovito
Karen Benway Profile Pic
Karen Benway

78 Reviews for Rovito Bariatric Center
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Today I met with Dr. Rovito, he has a spectacular
personallity. He is very informative and explains so
anyone could understand. His ofice staff is very friendly and helpful


My very first impression of Dr. Rovito was that he was very confident at routinely evaluating potential clients. I liked him even more when he explained to my husband the feelings and emotions I have been going throughout most of my life being overweight.I felt very comfortable and at ease with him. I have only had one meeting with him, but I feel very secure in his knowledge and understanding. His office staff is great,Karen is very helpful indeed. There is actually nothing I disliked about them. As I sat and waited for my turn, I got to watch how they treated their patients and was impressed on how "intimate" they all were towards each other. It was like a family reunion! I don't know yet if there is an aftercare program. I am really not concerned with that as I feel I will have much support through the internet,friends, etc. I had done much research on the surgical risks involved before I even made an appointment and was already well aware of the potential risks, but then I ride a Harley too. In my opinion, I felt very much at ease with Dr. Rovito as a person.


I thought he was very neat (dress,clean,etc.)and he put me at ease.
My impression is the same. The office staff is great.
The thing I liked least is that at first he thought I wasn't heavy enough but my shape is deceiving of my weight.

I am not too sure yet ) I go next week to find out) about after care.

Yes, in no uncertain terms does he address the risks.

The rest I can rate later


Doc. Rovito was very professional. He was also very upfront and clear about the procedure. He has a very kind and friendly manner with a good sense of humer. He also cares very much for his patients. Over time I have grown to trust and like him more and more.
His office staff are friendly and caring and are very helpful through all the insurance ect.
Doc. Rovito has preformed these procedures for 10 or more years.
I saw the Doc every week then every 2 weeks and now every month since the surgery. He checks weight and any problems with eartng ect. He does not have any structured support group or after care program but is available when ever needed or if any question arises for his patients.
My second visit with Doc. R. before surgery he explained in detail any and all risks of surgery.
I give Doc R. a 10.
I don't really have anything negative to say.But I must also say that I went to him very prepared and well versed on this subject. I did my homework and had two family members that had bariatric surgerys.neither one my surgery, But I new what the healing time and related pains and risks were.
It is not a surgery that anyone should go into blind folded or so excited that they do not stop to ask every question and investigate every possibility.


I have had one visit with Dr.Rovito, My husband and I both liked him immediatly. He is very straight forward. His office staff is extremly helpful. I was just approved by my insurance company, Independence b/c Keystone East, after only about 10 days. I am going to be going to see Dr.Rovito again soon to set up a surgery date. At that time he said he will go over ALL the pro's and cons. Will keep you posted as we get closer.

Had my surgery on 3/8/01 Dr. Rovito is the best. He knows what he is doing, always in an upbeat mood. And most of all truly cares about his patients. I had my first post op visit with him today, he said I am doing excellent. On a scale of 1-10 I would rate him an 11


I observed him from the waiting room interacting with another patient. He seems warm and friendly to her. He seemed quick in his mannerism but confident. He did address the risks of having any surgery.
The office staff seems very friendly and completely competent.


Well... my first impression of Dr Rivito was a good one. I really liked him. He made you feel right at ease and didnt beat around the bush. He told you everything. And his office staff was great also. The girls were very helpful and they were excited for me. Everyone who I came in contact with threw this entire process was so nice to me., and I was so happy about that. Also about the doctor ... he had a wonderful bedside manor and his surgical competance was great as well.


I was refered to Dr. Rivito by a good friend of mine.She had a open bypass and is extremely happy with Dr. Rivito and the results.
When I arrived at his office there was great confusion with his office staff over my insurance. They kept telling me that they had never heard of GHI and that I was covered for everything through Blue Cross Blue Shield.
After about 15 minutes of discussion and my calling GHI on my cellphone it was finally decided that GHI would cover the surgery and Blue Cross Blue Shield would cover the hospital.
Once I met Dr. Rovito in his office I was impressed with both his manner and surgery history. He has been performing weight loss surgery for over 18 years. He was candid about complications that he has experienced.
He made me laugh when he told me I would be one of his "little" patients. He said that he has operated on patients over 500 pounds.
Overall, I think he is compentant and well experienced in his field. I am comfortable that he will do well with my surgery.

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