LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 151 ratings

LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity Bariatric Center

LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity Bariatric Center Picture
151 Reviews for LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity
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Dr. Pompa look really young but she has all the knowledge that an old surgeon would have, she is very professional and has a lot of surgical skills. During the entire process I received the best attention. Since I got to the city there were 2 people to greet me and to make sure I had everything I needed and they took me to a 5 star Hotel where I was very comfortable and had a chance to relax in the sauna before my surgical day. rnAs soon as I entered the clinic I got the best attention and was well taken care of.rnIt was one day that I spend at the clinic and I could see and meet all the staff, they are so friendly and work really good, a nurse was with me at all time and I had a doctor at the clinic the 24 hours just in case I need it. I think that most people wonder about having surgery in a foreign country, but I can say that in my experience it was a 5 stars attention.rn


All I can say is that Dr. Pompa and her staff are the best, they made sure I was well informed before and after surgery and that I knew the risks of the procedure.rnThey call me to see how I've been doing and to give me even more advice, They are awesome people and I am glad they were the team I chose starting with the Dr. who is brilliant.


I think that describing a person takes more than 1 page but if I could just say something about her I would say that she is an amazing person, full of energy, light and wise.rnDr. Pompa help me a lot before the surgery because I was not sure if the sleeve was the right one for me, her and her nutrition staff show me the advantage of having this surgery done for my medical condition. I think that they have guide me really great, the after care is good because they call you, email me and they still send me my diet for each month.rnI guess that I made my right choice and know I can see it because I'm more out going and I like to play with my kids more. I would thank all the staff too because they did a great job. +


Everyone at Dr. Pompa's office was very friendly and supportive and I have no complaints whatsoever. She is very unique and I liked that, she made me feel very confident into taking this step.


Dr. Pompa truly cares about her patients, I knew from the beginning she was the Dr. for me. She made sure she explained everything in detail so there was no question left unanswered before my surgery. She is very clear on what she expects from every patient. The staff is excellent and helped me in so many ways. I would recommend her to everyone looking to have gastric surgery. Dr. Pompa was very nice to me and so was the staff.


I am very pleased with my Dr. Pompa and every one of her staff. They have all been ready and able to answer all my questions and offer a solutions to my concerns. This surgery is scary and is a life altering surgery, but it is one I would do again if I had to. I am loosing weight and getting healthier each day, there is not a whole lot more I could ask for besides that.


As I told in my story, Dr. Pompa was my surgeon 8 month ago and she did such a great job, I can barely see a tiny scar and the results that I had with this surgery are better than I actually expected. About the staff, I really don't remember their names right now but I can tell you that this people is so kind and friendly, the clinic is really big, and most important of all, the OR, is huge and clean, they have new equipment for the laparoscopic procedures and every thing is so modern in there.


I was impressed by Dr. Pompa's humor and her knowledge. I was delighted to meet her, as soon as I talked to her I just knew she was the surgeon for me. Her staff has been wonderful, everyone emphasizes the importance of post-op care. Thanks to Dr. Pompa I knew there were risks with the surgery but she made me feel very confident and secure, her and her team made sure my experience was the best it could have been. I feel \"heard,\" and that is so important to me. No question is ever \"stupid.\" I appreciate Dr. Pompa's surgical expertise and her sensitivity.


Dr. Pompa and her staff are knowledgeable, helpful and kind. Dr. Pompa as well as her entire staff were always very clear with the procedure and life after surgery. I am confident in my decision as well as my choice to have had Dr. Pompa do my surgery because still today they call me to check up on me and I call them if I have any more questions which they answer gladly.


Dr. Pompa and her staff were great in every way. I would recommend her to anyone. She is very honest, very straight forward and very no nonsense, she gives all the information you to better understand the surgery and the risks involved. Dr, Pompa did a great job with the surgery and her staff of taking good care of me, in fact, they still call me to see how am I doing.rn

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