LifeBridge Health Bariatrics Program

Bariatric Center
Rating: 4.96703296703 out of 5 with 232 ratings

LifeBridge Health Bariatrics Program Bariatric Center

Christina Li Profile Pic
Christina Li
Rebekah Richardson Profile Pic
Rebekah Richardson
Tornia Anderson Morgan Profile Pic
Tornia Anderson Morgan
Melissa Burks Profile Pic
Melissa Burks
Administrative Assistant

232 Reviews for LifeBridge Health Bariatrics Program
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I finally met with my Surgeon. I decided to go with Dr. Li, she was more readily available and I like the idea of a female Dr. She was very chatty and down to earth. She didn't look at me like I was some kind of freak. She was more than willing to help me, answer questions and anything else that I needed. She even gave me a hug before I left the office!! That really made me feel at home. Everyone in the office was so helpful and friendly and was a fountain of useful information. They were super organized and had everything they needed right there at their fingertips. Everyone knew what they were doing and I had the utmost confidence in them. I don't think I can say that there is anything that I didn't like about her or anyone that I met while in the office. The only thing was I felt a little overwhelmed when I got to the meeting with Karen to go over all the tests I have to have done. She rushed a little and I felt a little out of control with trying to remember all the information, I think that is just because she does it all day long, but it might be worth slowing down and making sure everyone gets it. The entire office is focused on not only the actual procedure, but all the before care and extremely stressed about the after care. The goal is for this to be a long term thing so they push for post op support groups, follow ups with the doc and with the nut. They have been completely open and honest about the risks and complications involved and asked if I would like to discuss any of them. I thought the entire experience was great, they answered all questions and often pre-empted questions, Dr. Li herself was fantastic! I would recommend her to anyone. I felt that both her bedside manner and her surgical competence was outstanding and I also think that both are equally important. rnDuring and post surgery Dr. Li has been absolutely fabulous. Every time I see her she gives me a big hug and a smile. She gives you praise as well as tells you what you need to improve on. I feel great about everything.


As Registered Nurse I had worked with Dr. Li at Sinai Hospital. Her demonstrated concern for all her patients both Bariatric and surgical, and her ability to connect with and teach her patients was always a pleasure to see. I chose Dr. Li as my surgeon because of her bedside manner and the fact that she always worked well with all the nursing staff. rnrnEveryone at Sinai's Bariatric Clinic funtion well together as a unit. The office is well run and pleasant. The waits can be long at times, but the conversation and openness of the other patients waiting can be uplifting, especially if one is in need of encouragement at the time. rnrnThe application process for surgical clearance is a long one, with or with out the healthcare insurance issue factored in. The paperwork we, as patients, fill out (and it seem like a ton) is nothing to what goes on behind the scenes at any clinic and Sinai is no exception. What is the exception is the manner in which Dr. Li's staff dealt with it. I felt they were there for me and willing to do what ever it took to make my surgery a reality and smooth out the bumps in the road - and there were a few. rnrnWhat was frustrating was having my surgery scheduled and then cancelled twice. Once because of my insurance company dragging their heels and the second time because of a misunderstanding partially on my part as to the need for cardiac consult. Both were worked out. Even though I was frustrated and very angry, looking back, I wasn't emotionally prepared for my surgery at that time. I needed a year to get ready. I got 13 months. rnrnDr. Li is a strong proponent of education both before during and after surgery and she places a lot of emphises on safety. My surgery was delay for a couple of hours until a second lap band could be gotten from another hospital in case the first was defective. At my final pre-op appointment as Dr. Li addressed the risks of the surgery, she was matter of fact and to the point. I was frightened. Speaking about risk factors in a theoretical nurse to doctor fashion and hearing it as a patient are two different animals. Even though I signed the paper, I walked out of the office thinking, \"I can't go through with this.\" I almost cancelled the day before my surgery. I would have preferred it a bit more sugar coated.rnrnI am not able to evaluate the aftercare program as I have not attended because of schedule confict with my working. There are times I have felt I needed to speak with someone further on in their weightloss process, but have been too busy to search someone out or to look for resourses. rnrnWhich is better Surgical competence or a bedside manner? Both. As a nurse I know that surgical competence is great as long as the surgeon is able to communitcate and teach, and has the staff to backup and reinforce what is taught. Without proper education even the best, most competent surgical procedure is questionable and risks patient safety. A simple misunderstanding can endanger a patient's life. rnrnOver the year that I have come to know Dr. Li as her patient, I feel I have gained a wonderful surgeon and a friend. I do not work at Sinai Hospital anymore but I highly recommend the Bariatric Clinic as well as the inpatient Bariatric Unit. (The GI/GU Bariatric Nurses demonstrated care, compassion, and competence.) rnrnOverall rating of my experience with Dr. Li and her staff: 4 and 1/2 out of 5.


Dr.Li isnt warm and fuzzy, so if you need that you need to find some one else. But she is great. After the initial consult, she was very different and concerned. She explained everything to me and hugged me before she took me in for surgery. I highly recommend her. She also does the LapBand.


Dr. Li is fantastic, if this describes her fully. I believe it is an understatement! She is awesome. Dr. Li was superb and display great knowledge from my initial impression.rnrnFuture patients should feel comfortable in her hands. From consult to surgery and even post op, she has done nothing but make me even more satisfied with my decision.


My first impression was that Dr. Li was very proficient.The office staff is very helpful. Thank you Eileen , Karen Nancy, and Paula. Eileen and Karen called to make sure I was doing well. Dr. Li is very caring and have a very structured aftercare program. She informed me on the risks of surgery and reminded me it was all or nothing. I would rate Dr. Li a 10.


Dr Li is extremely busy, but I never got the impression I was any less of a priority than anyone else. The office operates smoothly, and everyone works well together. Sure, they run late sometimes, but so do I.rnrnPlus, the waiting room is one of the best places to meet other people in various stages of the surgery.rnrnDr Li always was encouraging, happy to answer questions, extremely professional, and honest and forthcoming about risks and possible problems. rnrnI originally thought I would get the lap-band, and had confirmed my surgery date. I began researching more, and talked more with Dr Li, Nancy, and Eileen ( all in the office at Sinai), and they answered my numerous questions. About 2 weeks before my lap-band, I cancelled and decided to have a bypass instead.rnrnBy the way, you MUST stay on top of your various pre-op appointments with other specialists ! Keep everything in a folder, and make SURE everything is getting sent to Sinai. Most of my specialists lost my records, or sent them to the wrong place, or whatnot.... do NOT expect Eileen at Sinai to do everything for you. She is amazing and fabulous, but things will be much smoother if *you* stay on top of your own paperwork. You only have 1 person to look after... she has dozens, or even hundreds!rnrnI had no complications from the bypass, other than the expected mild tummy trouble for the first few days after surgery. Dr Li was friendly and supportive the morning of surgery, but I was relaxed so I didn't ask her to hang around. (I figured she had 8 million other things she needed to do!) rnrnPAY ATTENTION in your nutrition classes before surgery. Order protein products before surgery! You won't want to go grocery shopping while you recover.rnrnAt every stage, the staff both in her office, on the surgery floor at Sinai, in the O.R., in the recovery room, and the nurses in the bariatric wing were warm, responsive, and helpful. I never felt ignored or dismissed.... quite the opposite. Again, on the day of surgery, I felt very well taken care of.rnrnBecause Dr Li had the day off the day after my surgery, Dr Gandsas came by to check on me both with \"Bari the robot\" and in person. He, too, was warm and welcomed any questions.rnrnI got up and started walking as soon as I could, mostly because I was BORED and wanted to get rid of the gas in my belly. (Most people can't pass gas for a few days, and it's not very comfortable. Many women will also mensturate shortly after surgery, even if it's not \"on schedule.\") rnrnAt first, I was a little apprehensive to have the bypass with Dr Li, since she has not been doing this for decades, but I stand corrected. Her surgical skill must be impressive, because I have the smallest incisions that healed quickly. I had very little pain after coming home, and was able to sleep in my bed that night (only 30 hours after surgery.)rnrnI had no staples to get removed, and have had no ulcers, strictures, seromas, or other problems. I know some people have problems after surgery... but I do believe that if you are a low-risk candidate (like I was) AND if you follow all of their instructions., you will do just fine. (Examples of their instructions: try to eat protein as much as possible before AND after surgery, lose at least 10% of your weight before surgery, drink your liquids, WALK, practice with your spirometer, etc...)rnrnI really liked the wing in the hospital where the keep the bariatric patients, and I was particularly happy to have a private room. They also allowed my better half to stay as long as he wanted the night I was recovering, which was amazing... very much like having my own private cheerleader-nurse. :) (This is a great idea. I hope all hospitals do that now... let family stay as long as the patient wants!)rnrnFor surgery - Bring a HEATING PAD! The only drawback to the whole experience was craving ice chips or breath freshener after surgery, as well as desperately wanting a heating pad. (I would not have needed as much painkiller if I had had a heating pad!) Clarify ahead of time what you will be allowed to suck on after surgery, because I guarantee you will have serious dry mouth and bad breath!rnrnYes, you will be sore after surgery, but you will be out of it for the day of your surgery, and you will have control over your own pain meds. rnrnYour experience with this surgery is what you make out of it. Make sure you ask questions and voice your fears. Try to be respectful of the doctors' time, because they have SO many patients! Remember that you can always e-mail Nancy nutrtional questions, and you can e-mail Karen (the nurse in the office) questions as well. rnrnGo to your doctor appointments (with Gandsas and Li) with your questions written down, so that you don't forget anything! rnrnOverall, I give the whole experience a \"10 out of 10.\"rnrnThe only \"negative\" I would say, if there really is one... is that the office was sometimes TOO busy. I wanted to feel like I could chat at length with Nancy or Dr Li, but it always seemed like another appointment was pressed up against mine... of course, I ran late fairly often.rnrnOne last note: I'm personally impressed that Dr Li manages to juggle being a new mother and wife with being a top-notch surgeon at the same time. That's just so incredible to me! (Kudos to her.)rnrn-Andrea


Dr. Li did my Lap Band surgery in Nov 2005. From the first time I met her I felt totally comfortable. Though I was obviously seeing her for weight loss sugery she never once made me feel bad about myself. She is always upbeat, caring, and concerned. However she is also honest in her assessment of your needs and her recommendations. Her ability to put you at ease lessens the stress and fear one has over a major life altering decision. I never once questioned her ability as a surgeon. I have been completed satsified with the after care as well. I am excited to go to the Dr for my follow ups, and always leave in a good mood. I would highly recommend Dr Li to anyone interested in bariatric surgey. I do not say this lightly as I am employed in a health care setting. The entire program at Sinai is beyond compare in my opinion.


My first impression Dr. Li was that she was very was Tuff. She let me know from the start that I had be committed and to work hard to reach my weight goal that the surgery was not a magic cure. She said that she was going to do her part, but I was going to have to be just as committed to my weight loss and health in order for the surgery to be a success. Dr. Li ,sat me down in her office and gave me very good instructions for my aftercare program telling me thiings I needed to do to reach my weight loss goals.After making sure I knew what I was getting myself into,her soft side showed up (Smile) She really seemed to care about me she gave me a Big Hug in her office.She was very easy to talk to Dr. Li made sure she answered all of my questions . The whole staff was surpportive. I think she is a exceptional surgeon, and I would highly recommend her to anyone thinking about have WLS. done. What I remember The most ,is the day of my surgery is that Dr. Li came to my bedside and ask me was I OK, and gave me another Big Hug . Then she said " I will see when you wake up." This made me real relaxed because she she really seemed to to care about me.


DISCLAIMER: The following is my personal experience with Dr. Li and the staff at Sinai Hospital and does not mean a further experience will shadow mine.

My first impression of Dr. Li was that she was very warm, extremely personable and friendly, caring and understanding and continued to be that way from our first meeting to my post-op appointment. The office staff can be a bit disorganized at times, but they are extremely helpful and friendly. I was required to meet with Dr. Li for 12 months before my insurance would approve the surgery, and every month she answered my questions, was stern if I gained a few pounds and encouraged me when I lost a few pounds.

On my pre-op appointment she explained to me - in detail - every risk, and answered my questions and my husband's questions without making us feel silly if we asked the same question more than once.

While in the hospital, my drain became painful and I asked the nurse to page Dr. Li to ask if it could be removed. She returned the page while in surgery, and later stopped by to check to see how I was doing.

Post-op care is manadatory, and is the same as any other appointment. She is very thorough, asking all sorts of questions and making sure that my questions are answered thoroughly. She encouraged me to attend a post-op support group, which I had attended before surgery to get a different perspective.

The only not so positive thing I would say is that their office is very disorganized and they almost always run at least 30 minutes late.

Overall, I am very, VERY pleased with Dr. Li and the staff at Sinai.


Dr. Li is warm, knowledgeable, and compassionate. My gastric bypass surgery was performed on July 21, 2009 and I have been very pleased with the results. I was able to return to work after two weeks. I did have trouble drinking the protein shakes during the first few weeks and Dr. Li was helpful in offering alternative ways to meet my protein needs.
The one thing I wish I had known beforehand is to expect to be flexible about one’s surgery date. I had finished the 6 month prep in May and expected/hoped to have my surgery in early or mid June. Instead, the surgery could not be scheduled until the very end of June because of Dr. Li’s vacation. It was a perfectly understandable reason for a delay, but emotionally, I was disappointed at the wait. Then, when I finally got a surgery date, I called the office 3 times to make sure that they had all the paperwork they needed to get insurance approval. I was assured that they had everything, but that their policy was to wait until a week before the surgery before submitting the paperwork to the insurance company. Well, you guessed it, the insurance company decided to ask for additional paperwork, and since it was so close to the surgery date, the surgery had to postponed again for another 3 weeks. I was crushed and my office was inconvenienced when I had to change my scheduled medical leave yet again.
Still, the surgery itself went rather smoothly and Dr. Li and the nurses at Sinai were extremely kind. I would do it over again in a heartbeat.

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