Johnson City Medical Center

Bariatric Center
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 with 64 ratings

Johnson City Medical Center Bariatric Center

64 Reviews for Johnson City Medical Center
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After 2 seminars in the local Knoxville area I decided to go with Dr. Watson in JC. It's a drive but I have a high confidence level with Dr. Watson and a comfort level that is not comparable to the others local doctors. He is very thorough with all aspects of before and after surgery. Spends time with you and has a genuine concern for all his patients. Looking forward to being a big looser.


I just want to say, that i have never had major surgery before, so i really don't know what surgeons are supposed to be like. But Dr Watson, is great. when i go to his office i usually have to sit in the waiting room for over an hour before i even get back to the examing room, but it's well worth it, because he will take the time to talk to you and put your mind at ease about anything. also, if he can't answer a question, he will tell you where to go, or who to talk to, to get the answers. He did a very good job on my surgery, i did not have any complications and i'm almost a month out and still doing good. He has a very strict and detailed aftercare program and as a matter of fact he starts the aftercare program before you even get the surgery done. I took a nutrition class at the hospital i had the surgery at months before the surgery just to learn how to eat.
I had to take a chapperoned quiz on the risks of surgery, you don't get graded but anything you get wrong, he comes back in and addresses with you, so he makes sure you know what is going on. Overall i would rate him very highly, and as a matter of fact, i'm trying to talk my friend into just making an appt with him, so she can start investigating wether or not she wants the surgery. The only negative thing i can say about him, is after the surgery i didn't see him very often. He shares his office with Dr. Hodge and they take turns doing hospital visits. I really would have much rather seen dr watson because i knew him and i had never met the other dr. and per the statement on the bottom of this page i will let everyone know that this is my own personal experience and my opinion of it.


Have initial consult scheduled for August 26, 2003

Very dissapointed in surgeon. I have had appt. scheduled for 3 months. Get call from Dr. office the day before appt. to tell me they have reschedule me to the end of Sept. I have heard others have had this same problem.

I have decided to look at other surgeons.


Dr.Watson was very nice,I was impressed with him on my first visit.Everyone in his office is friendly and caring,I go back for my final visit before surgery on July 8,2003!!!! One thing that I didnt like about them was calling them on the phone you can't find anything out on the phone.He seems to be a good surgeon and he is a nice person I can't wait to have the surgery!!!!


My first impression was that he was very friendly. His office staff was friendly. I had my first appointment with him on 5/22/03. He requested I go to a nutrition class that his office offers to learn about aftercare. I go back on 6/26/03 for my actual pre-surgery consult and to dicuss any questions I might have. He has a very structured aftercare program. I asked about the risks of the surgery and he explained them all to me. Over all, so far, I think he's a great doctor and I feel very comfortable with him doing my surgery.


I had my first consultation with Dr. Watson on 2/20/03. The wait was long, about 2 hours. He seemed thourough and amiable. All of my questions were answered. My wife, Lora, attended and asked questions that I might not have thought about. At this point, I have had my nutrition class and I have scheduled my gallbladder utrasound (March 6) and I am in the process of scheduling my psych. profile.
My surgery will have to be an open procedure due to a prior surgery incurred from an auto accident. So, I needed a CT scan which I had performed yesterday, 2/28/03.
Dr. Watson has a very structured program and he went through the process with me. He also described the risks of surgery.

5/8/03- Yipp Yipp Yahoo! I now have a surgery date!...JUNE 6. Wish me luck.


Dr. Watson and his team are incredible!! I already feel better and am losing weight. Dr. Watson and those in his office take time to discuss cares and concerns and will answer questions without making the patient feel ignorant. I have never had major surgery like this so I don't necessarily have a perfect comparison, although the results I am having seem to be very positive in all aspects. I think highly of Dr. Watson and those who work with him.


I haven't met with Dr. Watson yet, but I do have an appointment. I'm excited, though, I've heard lots of good things about him. I'll post more after I meet with him. :-)


He is a very understanding kind Dr

I have liked him more with each visit

Very friendly

He listens & don't consider any question stupid & explains everything
To feel very comfortable

Very much


That there are risks with everyone

A very good Dr

I havent had the surgery yet to say both but i have heard both from everyone else so far


My first impression of him was that he was very busy. No my impression of him has not changed, I still think he is a very busy surgeon, which means he is a good one, hopefully. I think his office staff is as busy as he is and is very overworked, but they seem to want to help the patients any way they can.

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