Center for Wellness and Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 with 76 ratings

Center for Wellness and Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Center

Terrence Fullum Profile Pic
Terrence Fullum
Daniel D. Tran Profile Pic
Daniel D. Tran

76 Reviews for Center for Wellness and Weight Loss Surgery
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When I finally met with Dr. Tran, it was two months after my initial meeting with the Dietitian. The wait was finally over. The final phase of a three step process was here. I could not wait to meet him. I went with my wife and we had plenty of questions. He answered all of them and more. Our first impression of Dr. Tran was that he was young, that is all my wife kept saying, "Man is he young, does he have enough experience". After my first meeting, I knew I can trust him when I am under the knife. His staff was also very well informed and easy to get a hold of when you need them. Anyone who is searching for a surgeon and good support staff can rest assured that Dr. Tran and his staff is in my opinion very capable of handling all your needs. Dr. Tran and his crew never lied about anything or tried to hide anything. They were out in the open about everything and explained all the risks that could happen. Never was I forced to do my procedure in any way. It was my decision all the way till the day of surgery. Even on my surgery day, he gave me a chance to back out and I greatfully declined his offer. The support group is getting larger and larger every month (not by weight, but by people), which is a good sign. I can and will recommend Dr. Tran and his staff to anyone who is looking or is interested.


Dr. Tran and I met after my first visit with the Nutritionist Laurie Jordan. My first impression of him was a no-nonsense doctor, who was very knowledgeable about the surgery and committed to only doing surgery on patients that fully understood the life style change they would be required to make and were dedicated to making that change. Thoughout the period of time that it took to get my insurance to approve the surgery, he remained in contact with me and helpful about answering my questions. He also frequently reminded me of the committment the surgery required and that although the surgery was his part of the contract, the hard part, changing my lifestyle and staying compliant was the hard part. My impression of him never really changed except that as I got to know him better the more comfortable I became with him and the more caring he seemed. He fully addressed all of the surgery risks with me and made sure I understood the tremendous importance of aftercare.
His staff is wonderful, especially the nutritionist Laurie Jordan. She is always available and extremely helpful and committed to each patient as they go though the surgery and all of the changes they need to make after the surgery. Both Laurie and Dr. Tran are very strict, this is very important to me as it has kept me on track and careful about all the choices that I need to make. They are also very caring and supportive.
Dr. Tran and Laurie Jordan have also kept in contact with my primary care doctor doing consultations as needed to make adjustments to other medications that I am on and to address the iron defiency that I had after surgery. They worked together very well making it much easier for me to follow through on the directions that I was given.
They have a structured afgercare program that includes both individual meetings with Dr. Tran and Laurie Jordan as well as once a month support and informational meetings. They are both a required committment that you have to make before undergoing the procedure.
Dr. Tran's surgical competence is definately his best asset, after all that is why you pick a surgeon, and my surgery went very well. The bonus is that his bedside manner is also excellent and only gets better the longer that you work with him. The best part of the after care program though has to be working with the nutritionist, Laurie Jordan.
Overall the program developed at Bridgeport Hospital by Dr. Tran and Laurie Jordan is excellent. I would recommend it to anyone considering this surgery.


As the saying goes, looks can be deceiving. Dr. Tran looks very young but his wealth of knowledge is extensive. Dr. Tran immediately put me at ease. One thing he said to me was just because I CAN reverse the surgery, it doesn't mean I WILL. His honesty and integrity are amazing. Dr. Tran also told me that he would respect any patient who decided the surgery was not for him/her even if they were already on the table. I still tell people about that. The office staff are very nice and accomodating. Aftercare is a huge part of weight loss surgery and Dr. Tran and Laurie Jordan are very strict. That's a good thing. Dr. Tran and Laurie are always available to answer questions and are up front about the risks involved and the life altering effects of the surgery. I am so pleased I chose Dr. Tran and the weight management program at Bridgeport Hospital. Dr. Tran's bedside manner and surgical competence are unequaled. I did experience some depression immediately post-op and a minor infection, but that doesn't happen to every one and I no longer consider them setbacks.


my first impression of Dr. Tran was that he appeared to young, but after interveiwing him I learned that he was older than what he appeared to be. He looks as if he is in his late 20's but he near 40. He is a very intelligent person very detailed and serious about his work and patients

My first appointment with was private and lasted almost 2 hours. I left his office I was well informed impressed and comfortable with the decision to have the surgery.

My BMI is borderline 39 and he suggested that I try his weight lost program offered at the hospital, but he did give me the option of having the surgery since I have tried many weight lost programs over a 15 year period without success.

What you should know about Dr. Tran is that is is no nonsense he screens his patients privately he works a long with Laurie the head dietician at the hospital she is very serious and does not mince words when she stresses the seriousness of the diet you must maintain for life. When you leave her office you fully understand the grave side effects of not adhereing to the diet post surgery. They were not pleasant to say the least. They are not going to give you sheets of diets on paper and say be off with you after the surgery you become part of there team she made sure that I understood the risk involved with the surgery. I walked awaying knowing that it will be a battle I would have to change my eating behavior for life or my liife would be shortend.

This Dr. and his team are no nonsense and they really screen thier patients if you exhibit any signs of mental instability or a resistance to being monitored or following instructions you will not be chosen a candiate for the surgery. They want you to be successful and are willing to go the extra to miles with you!

Bridgeport Hospital


My first impression of Dr. Fullum was very good. I went to a seminar that gives you informative information about the surgery and explains everything you need to know. Although I have done extensive research it helps to hear the doctor explain it to you personally. Dr. Fullum staff was there also. Everyone had their time to speak and explain what their role was to help you though the process of WLS. They have a well structured before and after program. He also lets you know that the key to making it a success is a support program. He addressed all risks of surgery and encourages you to call the office if you still have any other unanswered questions. I have had a chance to rate his bedside manner because my appt isn't until the 10th of July. Will let yall know. But just from meeting him I can bet he is a 10.


My first impression of Dr. Fullum was that he was very knowledgeable, handsome, and caring. You could tell that he was a surgeon who was in it to help the patient, not to help his bank account or his ego. I have only seen him once, and that was at his monthly support group meeting.
His office staff has been EXTREMELY helful to me, although they are very busy and as a result, can be minimally disorganized.
He was very honest about the risks of the surgery. He was forward and sincere. He even told us about his mortality rate, (over 300 surgeries, and only 3 deaths).
Based on what I know so far, on a scale from 1-10, I would give him a good, solid 9 :)

I would say that bedside manner and surgical competence are equally important. That's part of the reason why I decided against having my surgery performed by Dr. Barry Greene, because his bedside manner sucked. So, you can tell that I place a lot of importance on a person's attitude, ego, and personality.
I will update when I have met with him directly and when I have gotten a date for surgery :)


When I first met Dr. Fullum, I couldn't help but notice how attractive he is!!! (smile) He is extremely knowledgeable, personable and up-front with regard to the advantages and the risks associated with the surgery. He is definitely an expert in his profession, an advocate for the laparoscopic method, and very courteous and caring toward his staff and patients. I would highly recommend him and his staff.

Dr. Green (fellow surgeon) is also very knowledgeable, helpful and works well with Dr. Fullum.

The staff is superb in making the required appointments for your clearances, follow-up appointments and preparation for the monthly support group meetings. They are very dedicated to the patients and are the success behind Dr. Fullum's practice.


I found out about Dr. Fullum when I was researching the surgery on the internet. When I did a search, there was a site, This is Dr. Fullum's site. This is where I learned about Dr. Fullum's practice. I was impressed before I actually met him. I have been to 2 support group meetings and have had my initial consultation with Dr. Tapscott, however, I have not spoken directly to Dr. Fullum. (I'll update when I get to that portion of this journey.) Dr. Fullum appears to be genuinely concerned about helping his patients. I think I would feel comfortable talking to him. I haven't had any questions to bring up during the meetings because he's already answered my questions during the discussion. His office staff is very busy, however, they are very friendly and answer all my questions without making me feel silly. It is difficult to get through on the phone and you will have to wait when you get to his office. I don't mind because I know I am choosing a surgeon with outstanding skills. I can't say there's anything I don't like about him right now. Dr. Fullum's future patients should know that you have to be patient. Expect a long wait when you go for visits (I think they need to re-work the way they schedule patients. He did mention in the last meeting that his office will possibly be adding the surgeon that trained him. He's also hiring more staff and has another skilled surgeon working with him.) Dr. Fullum emphasizes after care. You have different visits up to 18 months post-op (or longer for some patients). There are mandatory group meetings. You meet with several specialists before and after surgery to ensure that your surgery is successful. You definitely know all the risks before surgery. He tells you over and over and over again. He says you have a consent test before surgery so that he knows you know all the risks and requirements. Everyone, regardless of insurance requirements, has to have a psych. eval. to make sure that you fully understand what you are doing. I believe Dr. Fullum is great! Right now, I say that both Dr. Fullum's bedside manner and surgical competence are great! (Remember, I'm pre-op. If anything changes, I'll be sure to update)


My first impression was that the Dr. Tran was a young man. He was very relaxed, and greeted my with a smile and with confidence.
I've only met with him once and therefore I have not change, but will meet with him again a few days before the surgery. The office staff has been very helpful and nice and accomodating. Future patients would be very confidence with him as there Doctor. Dr. Tran emphasize aftercare in his presentation. This ia a new program and the aftercare program is being setup. Dr. Tran made everything plan and clear. Also, he was open to any question. I rate him as a great doctor with a lot of experience coming for Yale. Both is competence and his bedside manner are great.


Well, I have not actually met Dr. Fullum yet. I have a consultation scheduled for April 24, 2003. I will let you know how everything goes. So far, I have only heard good things about him and his staff. And, I hope I can feel the same.

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