Dec 03, 2009

I was told by the Doctor's office that all of my information was sent over to the insurance company so they said I should know somehting by next week, I have to say I am so excited.

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Nutritional Eval

Nov 30, 2009

My nutritional evaluation is this morning @ 9a.m. Thank goodness it is the last step to them turning it into my insurance company and I also talked to the insurance company yesterday and they told me that as soon as they get my paper work and every thing is correct it can take anywhere from 48 hours to 90 hours.  I was amazed that it would be approved or denied so quick.  I am looking forward to this surgery and have been for two years so wish me luck oh fam.

Nutritional Eval

Nov 17, 2009

The Doctors office called me and said that i have not gotten my nutritional evaluation yet, I did not know i was supposed to have this, but the hold back is my appointment is not until December 1st at 9:30, i hope this is it and then they will send everything to the insurance company.  It has been a long rode but i will get there eventually.


One Step Closer

Nov 05, 2009

Had my consultation with Dr. Dyer today it went very well, took a full body shot picture it was horible as usual, they asked me when would I like to have my surgery and I told them January 1st or that week because I want to start the new year off right; however I did not think about the two week liquid diet that i have to be on during the Christmas holiday's I will just have to stay strong and not let any food into my house NO GOODIES only broth

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consultation date

Nov 03, 2009

I am so excited someone called out on their consultation and my consultation was set for December 11,2009, but now it has been changed to November 5th, this thursday hooray.  I have finished my 6 month diet documentation and my psych eval and received a pcp letter so the only thing i am waiting on is for the insurance to approve my surgery.  Keep your fingers crossed I will be on the losers bench real soon.

About Me
Madison, TN
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2009
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