Oct 27, 2010

I have been so busy with school and working two jobs now so it is kinda hard for me to keep checking my obesity website.  Yes i went back to school for my criminal justice degree i only have two more semesters before i graduate, which i cannot wait.  I have lost over one hundread pounds and have 54 pound to go for my goal. I am trying to keep in touch with everyone or just let cha know i am still hanging on.


Jul 21, 2010

I believe my stall is finally over i got upon the scale yesterday and i was at 222 oh onederland here i come i'am still in a size 14  but i have cleaned my closet out getting ready for a yard sale for all of my 16 and up to 28 clothes and i pray everyday that i never see those sizes again.  It has been a while but work has been absolutely crazy i do have the horrific bat wings and i will definitely be taking care of those  but my damn breast have not shrunk down at all i have always said i had the curse now i am believing it I now wear bra size 36H from what i was wearing a 44DDD I am not exactly sure what happened my shoe size is still an 8 im really happy about that size.  Will check back in at 199 so get ready for me.



Jun 21, 2010

I have finally hit a big stall and i'm not even mad because this too shall pass and i am so happy about all of the weight that i have lost.  I feel great and i don't have that much further to go only about 73 pounds to go and you know what i would be happy with just 50 more.  I am waiting patiently to get under the 200 mark but i know it is just around the corner what is good about my weight loss is that my initial goal for the weight to come off will be by the winter and then i should be at goal weight i am excited and doing everything i can to make it.  So thank you guys for all of your support you have been a blessing.
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picture update

May 19, 2010

Took some mobile pictures just mainly head shots because i'm not comfortable with the body shots right now but soon i will post those as well.  LOVING MY RNY
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Apr 29, 2010

pictures are comming real soon guys, new hair cut, weight loss. and wearing heals. (bet that scared ya)
i wanted to make sure my OH fam knew about the rumor going around about the slushi you cannot order just the slushi ice without the syrup and think that there is no sugar, that is where all of the damn sugar comes from don't do it several people keep saying they were going to try it  save your money and your pouch.  Whoever ordered this for some reason did not get sick or i haven't heard that they did when i went to sonic and tried to order it i tasted it with my tongue and i swear to you i thought i put my tongue in a bag of sugar and said hold up this has sugar in it and that is when the little lady told me that is how a slushie is made the syrup is sugar free not the icy mix.  So i said well just give me a large water and i put crystal light in it and felt better, but was pissed i wasted my money on what someone else had said duhhhhh to me.  Guys just be careful.  Now back to me i am in a size 18 believe it or not they are a little tight but i can pull them up so i am excited about that, finally got all my hair cut and it looks amazing never had my hair cut all off like really short before but since i have curves now i thought it was about time.  Be looking for my new me pictures.


Apr 08, 2010

Had my dr. appt today with the bariatric dr. and there scale is 5ibs more than mine so that was ugly and the fact that i had to see the excercise lady who was not petite at all trying to tell me what i needed to do was ugly.  She told me she was a personal trainer but she could stand to lose about 30 ibs herself go figure.  I am going to increase my protein and fruits because i believe my carb intake is way to high so bye bye potatoes, bread and skinless chicken  i am going to leave meat alone for a while just to see if the weight comes off.  And the excercise lady was right about one thing i do need to increase my excercise which i will start doing today.  There is a gym by my house i am going to look into a least 2 hours a day at the gym i have been doing one hour just walking but the weight is stalling and it's pissing me off.  I know it takes time, but dad gone it i want in my skinnny jeans (ha ha ha).  I am not even going to weigh myself again until May so wish me luck and lets get thin.  Bye fam



Mar 31, 2010

Hello family i'm sitting herre at work @ 5 in the morning watching sick people come into the E.R.  love my job it is so exciting never a dull moment that's for darn sure.  I just wanted to update you and let you know that i have no pain no worries no problems feel healthier than i ever felt before excercise at least 5 days a week and more and more people are starting to notice the weight loss at work, home and everywhere else.  The only dilema i have is i need to go shopping to buy something to wear to work, i look real stupid in my baggy clothes, but i don't want to buy a lot but i definately have to go out and buy something.  Life is good, wish i were in love but who knows he may be lurking around the corner ha ha ha sometimes i even crack myself up.  Well i have a patient at my window and she is moaning and stuff so buy OH fam talk to ya next week when i weigh again.

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Mar 24, 2010

Well i know i wasn't going to get on a scale ever again but since i have been working out i decided to get back on that horse and it said 251 down from 301 so the scale is moving on down I think personally it is moving slowly but better slow than nothing at all. Has any of you guys experienced this, I can see in my clothes that my weight is moving on down but i can't see it through my own eyes to me i am still not noticing a major difference and that is what i am waiting for that huge WOW!!! moment.  I think it is just me because people are telling me that i am really loosing but my ass is still huge and my thighs are still huge and lets not even talk about my size E breast (hate em).  I have noticed my face slimmed first then my neck then the bottom of my legs I am ready for these thighs to start disappearing.  I think my clothes size are a 20-22 from a 26-28 i think.  i still wear my clothes well some of them and they are baggy but oh so comfortable.  Can't wait till im a 10 or 12 then i will shop till i drop.  RNY is the best decision i have ever made. 

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The Devil is a lie

Mar 11, 2010

I have totally stopped weighing myself on my scale, I haven't weighed in about 3 1/2 weeks because one day i got on it and it lied and said i had gained weight, what tha fa la la was going on, but i have been noticing my clothes are getting moore and moore loose.  So i said to my self, self you are loosing more inches than weight right now leave that scale alone.  My weight is not comming off fast which is probably a good thing but it is comming off.  I am looking very forward to seeing July roll around to see if there is any difference.  Will blog again soon talk to you guys later.


Feb 27, 2010

For some reason I am still in the 260's but i guess it has only been two months.  I am telling a big difference in my clothes just not on the scale, so i will take it anyway i can get it.  Hopefully i will drop more pounds in March, we will see.

About Me
Madison, TN
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2009
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