Feb 08, 2010

Hi family, just thought i would update you on how i have been doing.  First vitamins are a challenge for me for some reason my schedule misses them from time to time, but i am working on that.  The good news is when i went to my pcp they took me off of blood pressure medicine other than the water pill.  The other good thing is my clothes are definitely  not fitting like they used to and i have been finding shirts in my closet that i couldn't wear at first but now much to my surprise i can wear.  Also a pair of pants that I could not butten can now button up, not very comfortable but they can button so i feel that i am making progress.  My labs were good when i went to my pcp so i am excited about that.  Since i work 7p to 7a i try my best to get at least 30 minutes of excercise in but working 12 hour shifts take a toll on the body and some days i am just wore out.  Things I can't wait for is my thighs, and breast to start shrinking, I think these two will be the last to go.  I am feeling good my wounds are all healed and i have no complaints about my surgery, actually i am enjoying the journeysee you in onederland guys.


getting back

Jan 26, 2010

Well i finally went back to work Monday on my 7p to 7a shift and i was glad to be back everything is going pretty good I haven't noticed a big change but my co-workers and pants size tell me differently, i think i'm losing more inches than pounds right now.  Can't wait until March maybe more pounds will shed, who knows.


try about

Jan 22, 2010

Hey guys i went to this website try about and i got a free sample of birthday cake protein and i got a vanilla protein pack sample one of these was free, haven't tried the birthday cake protein yet but i did try the vanilla protein.  I put it in a blender with sugar free vanilla, half a banana, a dash of vanilla flavoring with skim milk (the green top) you would have thought i was in hawaii at the beech chillin it was so good. Up until now i did not think i would find the right protein for my  taste buds but this was absolutely awesome you should try it and the most important thing is it is pouch friendly, this will be my new breakfast very very good.  Scale said 276 this morning so i'm slowly but surely getting there, thought i would never get off of 300.  My seventeen year old weighed 208 at 6/2 and i told her my first goal is to match her weight by june ha ha ha hope i make it, maybe i should put a little wager on it to make it more exciting, I think i will.  After drinking this protein drink i feel very good i just knew it was not going to be good or settle with my stomach but i was wrong and i'm glad.  Thumbs up to


feeling good

Jan 21, 2010

Hi family I feel so much better today, well actually all week I have been feeling as good as before i had the surgery.  I am not in any pain, well maybe a tinch but not enough to complain about.  I haven't weighed my self but tomorrow I will bye my  my first scale.  I am pretty excited about my new life change and my excercise program starts monday after work I am really looking forward to my new life  I just will be glad when I can finally notice a difference in my weight.


Jan 14, 2010

The days get better with time however my side on the left where the incision is still hurts like something awful.  once this heels i think i will be much better.  I think i am going to try and drive today since i am not on any pain medication, well maybe.  I haven't even purchased me a scale because honestly i am to afraid to stand on one.  Never been one to check my weight or stand in front of a tall mirror.
1 comment

Home and well

Jan 13, 2010

My surgery as you know was Jan 4th I went in weighing 293 from 301 and came out weighing about what I did when i went in and and the doctor said it was all of the iv fluids that they were giving me.  The first week was a challenge and not to mention my period started so I was not to happen and in pain, I have been trying to get as much fluid as I can in and I'm not meeting goal but I think i am ok.  This is my second week and after seeing my surgeon on Monday getting that damn tube out of me I feel a lot better other than the left side of me hurting from the incision site.  I can walk and do simple things but I do not have a lot of energy I have only lost 12 pounds which is okay i guess, can't say i am to happy about that.  I did give up the pain meds earlier because I would have night mares and wasn't sleeping very well.  I couldn't make it to the computer because I have a very uncomfortable computer chair, but I made it today and I will make an attempt to keep you posted.  I am trying to get my protein and fluid in I have noticed that the unflavored unjury tastes like throw up and not to mention the nasty road side lemonade I purchased yuk  I love lemonade so I thought i would like it, i was totally wrong.   Well I am going to rest for now I will blog again tomorrow



Jan 03, 2010

Hey OH family this is the last day before my new birthday, I have all sorts of feelings going on I am excited, scared, happy, greateful, so many emotions going on all at once but it is because of this website that I am mostly grateful for.  You guys are my rock that is why I know this surgery is going to be a success.  I have not packed my bags yet, but I will get to that as soon as I get through typing.  I hope the pain is not to bearable heaven knows I have had my share of pain.  One of my friends who had the surgery six years ago is going to stay with me at the hospital for a couple of days and I am truly grateful for that because she has already been through what I am about to go through.  Keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I will see you guys on the loosers bench.
1 comment


Dec 30, 2009

FOUR DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  this has been a long journey but I have almost made it to the finish line.  I absoluty cherish everything about this website it has really helped me and I am also gratful someone told me about it.  I can't say I'm nervous rite now but I am very excited to see some results.


liq diet

Dec 21, 2009

Today started my liquid diet and it was fine in the beginning because I mostly laid in my bed or sat down and watched t.v. and I had my pre op along with my pre-admission testing everything went fine until I got to work, I mostly work on my feet and after about an hour I was registering a patient and felt light headed and dizzy and had to sit down before i literally passed out, I am pretty sure this is not supposed to happen so I had to eat something which was small in portion and not to much, then laid my head down for 30 minutes and I gradually felt better, now I feel fine as if nothing ever happened but I have 2 weeks of this and I know I did not do anything wrong but I think the best thing for me to do is contact the doctors office in the morning.  This is my liquid diet:  sip on 2 eas advantage or 2 myoplex carb controlled shakes per day, every two hours consume one of the following a regular pop sickle, reg soda 4 oz, juice 4 oz, gatorade 4 oz,1/2 c cottage cheese,8 oz of skim milk, and 6 oz of lowfat yogurt.  Then again my problem could have been that I was at the hospital for four hours with nothing but crystal light.  I don't know but I never want to feel that way again


Dec 09, 2009

Yes that's right I received the call this morning and my surgery date is January 4th @ 5:30 a.m. I am soooooooooo excited the time has finally come.  I start my two week liquid diet on the 21st of December, oh well bye bye good ole Christmas dinner I will be having liquids.

About Me
Madison, TN
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2009
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