Jeremy, Your profile caught my attention because I live up n across the river from you.. and you better get home soon! I can't say that I know what you are going through, I just hope that for your sake you do not remember what is going on right now, but that you are having happy dreams of what your life IS going to be like in the future. Wonderful hikes with your wife and dog, joyful bike rides together, it will take time, but IT WILL HAPPEN. You have to believe! I don't even know you much, but not a day will go by without me praying for you... without me thinking about you, and without me hoping for your sweet, quick recovery. Robbi, you are amazing, pls hang in there! I can't help but want to drive to Columbus and give you a great big hug for what you are going through. Pls email me if you ever need to speak about anything, just don't go through this yourself, we are all here for you. You knew this wasn't going to be easy, but you and Jeremy deserve so much more, and I believe you will HAVE IT ALL, if you can just bear through this rough part. Hang in there, Sincerely, Beth.