I totally am with you on the 4th of July thing. Yesterday was horrible for me. I did not enjoy any of it...and I am sad, so very sad, because MO is preventing me from life. I forced myself to get dressed, smile, and pretend to be excited for my 3 year old and 10 year old girls. We went to my Mom's for a picnic...and I KNOW my parent's, husband, and grandmother, who are all normal sized pity me. I know they pity my kids, because at 400+ pounds, their Mommy cannot swim with them, or jump with them, cannot do much at all but sit in the sweltering heat watching everyone else have fun. Then there is the food issue, I enjoy it less and less but still continue to shove it down my throat all the while wishing I was somewhere at home in the air conditioning with my very swollen ankles up! I watch my husband do all the physical things with the kids while as usual, I sit on my very well padded BUTT. Yes, I agree, summer time and 4th of July activities are not for the obese. I have 2 picnics to attend tommorrow and I am trying to think of ways to not go, but then my family suffers. So I go and watch all my skinny girlfriends enjoy life and play with their kids while I sit winded just from walking from the car on the deck missing all the fun and too embarrassed to eat much. My surgery date is approaching and as far as I am concerned it cannot come quick enough, I am so ready to change my life and get healthy. And I wish all the best to you Sally, because I can tell you are a special person. Thanks for letting me vent, and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck with everyone. And if you don't want to go to those picnics Sally DON'T GO. Nobody really understands if they are not obese.