Sally S,
If you knew someone who had cancer,Muscular Distphroy,or some other diesease, would you feel toward them as you feel towards yourself right now? You HAVE MO. It is a disease, you did not ask for it, did not want it, and have no control over it. If one of your patients needed surgery to cure them of cancer, or some other disease, (I am sure you have seen many in your time as a nurse)would you want them to not go through with it becasue it was too hard, yes you would very much feel for them, sympathize with them, and want to do what ever you could to help them, but you WOULD want them to have the surgery right? THIS is how we feel towards you. I look forward to your posts each day, pray for you each day, and hope each day will be a bit eaiser for you than the day before. You are a wonderful person, with a LOT left to give this world. I know it must be at times impossibly hard for you to get through each day. I hear that in your posts. BUT you CAN DO THIS! I know that.. you have not survived this far without a inner strength that many of us couldn't even match.
We all love you too much to lose you.