Naes Wls J. 21 years, 10 months ago

My heartfelt condolences to Sally Simatos family and friends, Sally will be greatly missed and remembered here on obesity help, she surely showed love and kindness to all. There's no more pain or suffering anymore, SALLY! ~~ REST IN PEACE~~ God Bless

Nannette B. 21 years, 10 months ago

I'm deeply saddened at with the passing of Sally. I just always felt, she'd heal and come back to us here at AMOS. Sally, sweetie you will be greatly missed. I admire your determination and strength you shared with us all....God rest your soul !

kd 21 years, 10 months ago

I too am so sadden to learn that God has taken another of our siblings home with him. *sigh* I prayed daily for good health for Sally, but this was not meant to be. Sally is now home with my two friends that died from complications of WLS, Tom Batey and Ginger Hardin. I admired Sally for not having the surgery, she decided to do it on her on, she still did not have an easy road to hoe. Then to learn she had cancer! She was such a wonderful, sweet, caring, devoted, much loved, compassionate, etc., etc. human being!! Sally, you are flying with the BEST in heaven, please look down on us, and keep us all straight! We will all miss you, my dear loved friend. Lois and Chris, my heart goes out to you guys! You were so good to Sally! Lois, she was your best friend for thirty years, she will surely be missed! Please contact any of us if we can ever be of help to you, in any way! We are here for you, your AMOS Siblings! (((((hugs))))

April G. 21 years, 10 months ago

My prayers are with Sallys family and friends. She was such a strong woman, and now she can rest. She will be missed.

preferably A. 21 years, 10 months ago

I never saw Sally's post on the board, but I did read her page and it's very obvious she was a wonderful person. I believe she is in a better place now, and I pray for her dear friend Lois who has had a lot of loss in her life recently. God Bless.

DianeN 21 years, 10 months ago

No more pain and fear for Sally's sweet and gentle soul. Such a loss. Her story is heartbreaking. I can only imagine how many others are experiencing the same anguish that this disease has reaked on all of us to some degree. My love and condolences go out to Sally's family and friends. From a fellow nurse, Diane N. PS ~~~Let's never forget that LIFE is precious, and oh, such a gift from God~~~

Ms. Ang 21 years, 10 months ago

My sympathy to the family of Sally Simatos. May the Lord bless and keep you through this trying time.

kaitlene 21 years, 10 months ago

I have just recently become a member of AMOS, and I would like to send my heart felt condolences to all of Sally's family and friends. God bless.

LMCLILLY 21 years, 10 months ago

What can I possibly add to this outpouring of love for Sally and those she left behind? I'm sorry that I never knew her in person. I so enjoyed reading her posts. What a wonderful lady she was. I'm glad that she is now free from her pain and sorrow. None of these things seem adequate to express the dept of my sorrow over losing this person that we only had a short while to get to know, but who worked her way into our hearts a bit more each day. Everyone here who read her posts loved her. We will all miss her terribly. My condolances to her loved ones and friends.

Ann Marie N. 21 years, 10 months ago

The world is dark today. Why does it cause so much pain when God calls another angel? Why couldn't He leave our Sally on earth to be OUR angel? Dear friends, Sally is finally at peace. May the Lord be with Sally's friends and family at this sad time. May we all stay close in heart even as we are separated by such distance.
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Pottsville, PA
Apr 09, 2002
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