k r. 22 years ago

our beloved AMOS spokesperson Sally SIMATOS is having surgery in 4 days. Lets all send our prayers and support for her speedy recovery. GOD BLESS YOU SALLY!

Valerie B. 22 years ago

Sally, I have been thinking about you daily for quite a while now as your day approaches. God brought you to it, he WILL carry you through it. I know you will do awesome. See you on the other side! Hugs,

Nell C. 22 years ago

Sally, may you have the peace that passes all understanding this week as you near your time. You have now done everything you can to ensure a successful operation and many people have interceded with God on your behalf. Please rest in Him and be calm. He will be ever faithful to you as He sees you through to the other side. May you have much success and increased health! Congratulations!

Moma V. 22 years ago

Dearest Sally, your time to cross over is nearing. I envy you that your here and I am not yet. God must have his reasons for holding up my process. I am keeping you in my prayers for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. Lord, watch over Sally and be by her side, she is a good woman, that deserves to live a life without pain. (((((((((((( Sally)))))))))))

Kelly B. 22 years ago

Sally,<br>Less than a week to go! Woohoo!<br>Hang in there! You have a LOT of people pulling for you around here!<br>Good Luck!<br>Kelly :)

Getting H. 22 years ago

Sally, I have been thinking about you for the past week, knowing that you are so close to your surgery date. I haven't seen you on the message board lately, so I will assume that you are busy preparing for life as a postop. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and please know that on your day many prayers will be going out for you. Take care and God bless.

Bernadette R. 22 years ago

SALLY - hope you are keeping ok and not worrying too much about your big day (of course it is natural to worry but dont overdue it) you have come all this way and you must know in your heart of hearts that this is a way through to a better life. your joints will improve without having all the burden of weight on them and you will have some quality in your life - i think of you often - God bless you - i will say another little paryer for you tonight

meredith L. 22 years ago

Good luck on Thursday! I hope you come through with flying colors to the slim side of life! God speed on your recovery!

Sissy I. 22 years ago

Hi Sally, Best of luck with your upcoming surgery and know we are all thinking of you and wishing you well. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Take Care !

Ron E. 22 years ago

Good luck on your coming surgery. My prayers are with you, and hoping for an uneventful surgery, and a speedy, painfree recovery. Keep your focus on healing. Make sure you walk, and keep up your breathing exercise. YOU CAN DO THIS! See you on the other side. PS. If you check out my web page, be sure to sign the guest book there. Thanks
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Pottsville, PA
Apr 09, 2002
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