Just great!

Mar 28, 2012

I woke up to a migraine today and it has caused me allot of stress because I haven't been able to  do much of anything. Not much excercise, not much cleaning, not much of anything. And talk about messing up my eating. I have been wanting to snack rather then eating a meal, well I got dinner ate but it doesn't feel much like I ate, so going to go fix a salad with some chicken in it that I cooked yesderday in it... Won't know the calories of it, but I will fix it for my last meal of the the night.


Mar 24, 2012

Am having myself a bad painful day, so can't really say that I have done as well with working out, walking the stairs as well as I would like to. Knees are hurting and just back is hurting, well just hurting all over. Did do some, so have burned some calories, and still walked Annie her 3-4 times today. Even helped my Mom with a little bit of cleaning in her apartment, so I haven't been completely down, just slower and doing less stairs. Which has me quite sad. Am hoping for tomorrow to be a much better day. There is hope...


I set goals and.....

Mar 22, 2012

I set goals, and one of which is to walk this hill that is just off the property here, it is steep and long. Just a month ago there is no WAY would I even consider walking it, not even half of it. But with doing my physical therapy at home, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator I have decided to try it. I have walked it twice. The first time I thought I would have to stop half way up it, and was exhausted when I did make it to the top. Today however when I walked it, it was quite a bit easier, not EASY, but easier

Pretty soon I will have the energy to walk down there and walk the park area that is just across the street from the hill, but that might take awhile, yet it is another goal, to go check out the park with my little baby girl Annie, she would love a walk in the park, it has a leash  free park, but it isn't  fenced in so I won't let her off her leash for she likes to chase squares, get mean with bigger dogs, and chase cats, so she will stay on her leash with momma. But still a good place to take her for a walk. Can't wait to report when I have finally accomplished this goal.....

Been wanting to for such a long time. I stood at the top of the hill looking down at the park knowing it would be a good place to walk with Annie, but couldn't make it due to weighing 265, and using a walker, then a cane, and now I am free from them both. The weight made my balance worse and so had to use devices to help me keep from staggering and falling. I also have/ had nerve damage in my right leg and I would trip on things, so thinking my Dr needs to run new tests on it to see if I still have the damage or if the weight loss has cured it also, he mentioned that weight loss would help it.

I wouldn't wish weight gain on anyone who has had the WLS. It is devastating, or it has been to me. I failed myself, I failed the surgery, and now I have to bust my butt to get it back off again. Just keep doing what you are suppose to do, don't fall into old habits, it isn't worth it. I am half way to being back to the lowest I was after the WLS which was 180. I will make it, and will get even lower, or so I pray and hope for. If I don't then I have already accomplished allot and will be glad to maintain my weight at whatever my body thinks is it's lowest weight. No longer 320, and that my reader is a big thing, I am 100+ lbs less then when I had the surgery, so will see if there will be more weight loss to come or if I have reached the lowest, Lord let more come off so I can feel even better and do ever more? Thank you Lord, Amen.


Well enough or not?

Mar 20, 2012

Well, not sure if I am going to be well enough to do a daily exercise today or not.
Mom has physical therapy, and while she is there I can use the equipment that isn't being used, so lets just see how I feel come at 2 pm. I am going to do everything I can to do to workout while my mother is doing her therapy, they are so kind to let me workout while she is there doing hers. But like I have said, will I be feeling well enough to do so? That is the big question.
Hope this doesn't stay with me long. It has been about three days now, But looking at a week or maybe 2 of it sticking around if it is a cold. I don't have money to take anything for it, just some sudafed is it, take to many medications to take much of anything else for it.


Turning to comfort foods

Mar 19, 2012

I am not feeling well at all, and I tend to want to turn to food for comfort to maybe help me feel better, but am fighting it off and must say am doing pretty good, I am snacking lightly on some whoppers and some almonds with cinnamon and sugar on them, but not binging or over indulging, just allowing myself enough to curb the sweet tooth and the want and the feeling I need to comfort myself with junk food while I am feeling under the weather....
Lord give me the strength to only eat when I am hungry or need fuel for the body and not just because  I am feeling icky? Amen Thank you Lord Amen.


Regaining, and now reloosing

Mar 16, 2012

Well, This has been a long road for me, and going to be even a longer road. I am getting closer to my first goal of 185, I am 218, soon to be in the 217s. I just know that I have done it twice before I can do it again. I just have to stay focused and and remain active. Remaining active is the thing that I hope doesn't hang me up with having fibromyalgia and migraines I have days where I can't do much of anything, but I am focused on being as active as I can be as many days as possible. Always upping it by a notch or two weekly. Watching what I eat and how much I eat, and what my stomach tells me. I am 5 years out and have had my ups and downs, and I will most likely always if I don't take this serious and take this in control. I can no longer live the way I was, it didn't work then and it won't work again later. SO will never return to that person again. I am a new reborn person, committed to doing what I deserve, and that is the best.

Weight loss has picked up

Mar 15, 2012

Guess the slow down was for the body to catch up, for now I seem to be moving again in my weight loss. just have to keep watching what I take in for food and what I am buring for calories. Keep moving yes, keep moving even tho I tend to like to NOT move I must move and get to where I like to move, for this will make me or break me. well no me, but my attempts to loose that is.
I am learning to move without the use of a pool or a gym, and with Annie my doggie she sure has been a big help in making sure that I move.Because without her I would sit on my pc most likely all day long and not do anything and not be active at all. so getting her started me on the right path.


weight loss at a slow again.

Mar 11, 2012

Weight loss is at a slow again, but am still doing what I have to do to keep the weight off. So long as it is kept off then I am doing good. I won't complain if it is not moving, it is just adjustment time for the body....

Pain in the knee

Mar 08, 2012

Pain in the knee is not what I need right now. But I won't let it stop me from exercises. As a matter of fact I am going to go do my band excercises here in just a short spell. I can't afford to not to now that I am seeing such great results  and I know it doesn't take much of my time, or so now it doesn't any ways. I just have to find the energy, just feel super tired today, like I could take a nap. Well going to go get my butt up and do my arm exercises and see how I feel after that, if I still feel like this then a nap will be in the picture and will do my leg therapy after the nap. I just have to stay strong, but with Fibromyalgia sometimes it is often the hardest thing to do.

7 days later

Mar 06, 2012

Well this is great news, the weight I loss during my flu bug has remained off. While that has happened I am working hard to now see a weight loss on my own without being ill, and this time will be by the work of my own hands. I really need to see more weight loss. I know now I have it in me, even without being sick that I can do this, just watch what I eat, and move more. eat less and move more. I hear it ALL the time. Think it is finally stuck in the head and now I am see it in action little step by little step.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2006
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Before & After
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just before my tummy tuck. Not getting to do much moving afterwards I regained 50lbs, so bumbed.

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