The Flu/weight loss

Feb 28, 2012

Had the flu and dropped quite a few pounds in such a short time, but am going to fight to keep them mostly off. I am loving what I see on the scales.
Watched two back to back shows of 2 600 lb people getting the gastric bypass to save their lives, the ups and downs they had. How they had lost and had gained and then one had lost again. If she can do it then so can I. I know that this weight gain isn't the end of my weight issues. I refuse to regain any more, and if that is all I accomplish then I have accomplished allot. If I loose more then that is what I am really working and wanting to accomplish, and that will of course be the greatest reward and make me the happiest.
Still sticking to the physical therapy home work, as a matter of fact when I was sick, and even now, I was sad because I didn't have the strength to do them like I should have been. So looks like my body and mind is starting to see them as a needed part of my daily life, which that hasn't always been the case. It feels good when I have accomplished the workout.

P.T. is almost over

Feb 20, 2012

P.T. is amost over and I am feeling the change, everytime I went they would work me harder and harder and mean while I was doing home work. I am going to do my everything to keep doing my home work so I can keep these muscles built up and burning calories. That is why I did the therapy, well that and the shoulder. I did one for two, or something like that.
Now as the weather might be warming up I must start walking my baby dall longer and further, and different areas rather then just around here, time to get off of the property. but she has to stop and smell everything and that she doesn't walk so well. but I guess once maybe she gets adjusted to the route then she might walk more then in the beginning? Will have to see how she does, because she needs to walk, but stopping every few feet to smell stuff isn't good walking.
Looking at the possiblity of when, yes when the weight comes off of having to get/buy cloths. Now since I live on SSD I will most likely get a good portion from clothing bank, take what no longer fits me, and then find things that will fit me as I loose. If I want to find things that might be a little better then look around the goodwill, won't and don't want to buy new until I feel I have arrived at my main weight, which the weight I am at is NOT IT. ne now


WOW it sure was a day

Jan 31, 2012

Wow yesterdays P.T. really kicked my butt a good one, they started to reconditioned me and I think they are doing just that, am feeling muscles today that I had forgot that I had. Much of them I can do here at home which is a real good thing. This just might mean I won't have to join the gym for awhile, at least not until I can get a laptop paid off. I really don't want or need to be  out the money for a gym right now while I am paying for a PC. Gained some weight, but it is now back off again. that is good. I am 1 pound away from the lowest I have been since I regained weight. I really need to keep seeing the weight fall off of me. I know that I don't need the revision according to UWMC so it is all on me now, just get the tool to working right again, and get this head of mine to eating right also. Soon I hope to be seeing a nutritionist to get me back to eating better again. Just to refresh the way things should be. Or help me to get the South Beach Diet to work for me with the gastric bypass, for I can't eat allot, not as much as a normal person can put away, yet more then I want to eat, so I will see if the person will help me with this plan, or perhaps make a plan that will work best for me, don't think I have ever had a plan worked out to fit me and my health needs ever, now that would be pretty neat, better if it would work. Well lots to think about, hope for, and focus on still. It is a never ending thing it is.


How low will I go

Jan 29, 2012

full figure photo recent, Jan. shot.....I just ate a bowl of chips, worst part is I bought them, and I just don't know why I do what I do, I am a weak person and so how am I going to loose any more weight if I am stashing myself, ruining myself, putting to much in my mouth of junk foods and sweets, well I will make changes soon, real soon, I am in control of what I eat and I have to make the changes to change what I eat.
Will be seeing a nutritionist soon. so perhaps that will help get me back on track.


there is my ups and downs

Jan 25, 2012

I am a strong person, but yet I just dong know if I can get below 230 and stay there? it is upsetting to see 225 and then be all up into the 230-235s, so I just need to work harder at it. Time to join the ymca so I can get into the pool and do some working out and some other working out and such things. Just walking the dog serveral times a day isn't doing it any more for me. Or it doesn't seem to be. : ( I am only 50 pounds short of reaching the 180 that I was at in the first year of the surgery. I once reached it, and I believe I can make it again, slow and steady. Am thinking about the South Beach Diet and my regular care provider perscribes that for her patiants so that is a great thing that I was already thinking about doing it and mentioned it to her and she told me about her approval of it..... so soon I will start, thinking about slow so that I will have good weight loss and it will stay off this time around.

Not so good and yet great news

Jan 06, 2012

Went for the consultation on the revision and found out that my tool is still working just fine, so now it is all up to me to continue  making the needed changes. I have in the last year according to my weight chart lost an average of 3 lbs a month, so that isn't great, but it is better the gaining it. So it I can continue with this weight loss and even speed it up then that will be even better.
The Dr does want to get me with physical therapy and a dietitian, and a social worker, but am already seeing a social worker, so don't need a referral for that. So am very thankful that the Dr did not just say sorry  your tool works and therefor there is nothing else that can be done, cus I knew there was and would had been one sad, and MAD woman leaving that place if he hadn't suggested help, now I just pray my insurance will approve and pay for some of the help, some will be better then none, but all is of course better then some and all is what I am praying for, but only going to really expect some help.
I am trying to get some protein shakes in again, not eating enough  protein, want to get some V8 as well for the veggies, don't eat much of those either at this time. Or enough any ways. So if I can drink so then I can get a little more in and that might help fuel my weight loss.
Well will keep posting on this.


Appointment yesterday

Jan 03, 2012

Got the upper G.I., and as soon as I saw it and the Dr there showed it to me I knew I wouldn't need or wouldn't get the revision, everything looks normal, (for having had the RNY) and then and hour and half later when I had the chance to see the Dr the doctor confirmed what I already knew. BUT! He didn't send me on my way with no help, he wants to see me in physical therapy and see a dietitian, so did not leave there with not getting anything out of it but the G I. He seriously wants to see me back on track, and see if there is chances of loosing more weight.

Yesterday YAY for me

Dec 22, 2011

I found out yesterday after calling the Para Transit broker (medicaid transportation) that everything at this time is a yes to taking me to Seattle to see Dr. Khandelwal (hope I spelled his name right)  a specialist and so I don't have to worry about trying to find someone to take me or rescheduling where I can take the bus system, which might not be possible with all the Peirce County cuts our bus system has had to make, so bus doesn't run very late or very early any more, so hmmm, I am praising God that they told me yesterday that everything is a yes so far. So all is starting to finally come together, this has been many years in the waiting, been trying to get Dr's to help me find someone to see, and they just wouldn't even try, Dr James C Morgan did, I will give him credit, but the UWMC didn't take my insurance so that didn't work out at the time. Merry Christmas to me, God still works in our lives. Now I just am believing for approval on the revision.

It has finally happened

Dec 07, 2011

Got to make a couple appointments today, one for an upper GI, and then for the consult to see if I will get the revisison or not. Part of me is sick thinking it won't happen because I need this badly, I have high blood pressure, and I also have sleep apnea, pour knees, fibromyalgia, and just trouble being this weight. I need my life back again, and this time I am sticking to it better now that  I am not living in a motor home and now that I am not going on and off of Lyrica, which caused weight gain each time I was on it, and never would loose it when I went off of it. So I have learned so much that I hope not to make the same mistakes as I have this go around. Like over eating, eating sweets, drinking pop, ( been off of pop for awhile now anyways, so I know that I can stay away from that. The Lord is with me, and there is support out here that I need to track down and join. Not go it all alone. So will let you know, the appointment isn't until Jan. 3rd, that will give me plenty of time to get para transit to get my papers from Kelly explaining  why I need to go where I am going and that I need them to take me. So I better get them to take me, other wise I will have to try to take the bus. I can't drive Seattle, it is at UW Medical Center of Seattle. I will get there one way or another, but I honestly think medicaid transportation better be then ones to take me.

Come Monday

Dec 03, 2011

Come Monday I am calling Danael again to see if there is anything new on my case. I am feeling a bit depressed at this point and time about getting seen. It feels like it is taking forever. I have been trying to get somewhere for this for awhile and to finally get some where and be so close yet not all the way there, it is just killing me. I know something will happen, at least the consultation, but WHEN? and what will come from that? Guess MORE TIME will tell me what is going to happen, Sit and wait, wait and sit, that is all I seem to do. Lord I am frusterated right now. I need to know something, the not knowing nothing is also killing me. If I had an appointment even for months away I would feel better, but not having anything happen is a real bother. Well it's bed time, just needed to vent, hope tomorrow goes fast, so Monday I can make that phone call.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2006
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just before my tummy tuck. Not getting to do much moving afterwards I regained 50lbs, so bumbed.

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