December 22, 2005

Dec 22, 2005

WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO ! ! ! My drain is out. Not that it was a bother or anything and I am limited anyhow as to what I can do but just to get it out gave me relief. I was so worried about someone getting to close to me or catching it on something and pulling it out. I am still limited but at least I don't have to worry about the drain. My appointment went very well. They said I am right on schedule. My vitals were good and I lost 15.5 pounds ! ! ! After 2 1/2 weeks of liquids I was ready today for the taste of food. So I chose an egg and ricotta cheese for breakfast. 2 Tablespoons of each. I was able to eat half of each. I didn't know what my feeling of full would be but I think I found it. So I stopped. I didn't want to ruin my first meal (if you know what I mean ). The ride to the hospital and home was enough for me today. So I am going to go rest now. I will update when there is something new to add. My next appointment is January 12, 2006. Oh my, the new year is almost here. BEST WISHES TO ALL OF YOU FOR A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY HEALTHY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR.
"Hark now hear the angels sing, A King is born today,

And man will live forever more because of Christmas Day."

December 20,2005 8 days post op

Dec 20, 2005

Well, I am finally in my bed again. They said a recliner is best when you get home and they were right. It was much easier but I could tell it was time to try the bed when I got restless in the recliner. I need a little help getting in and out but I sleep well. My visting nurse comes twice a week and she was just here this morning. All my vitals are good. No fever means no infections. My lungs are clear, my blood pressure is good and my sugar reading are in the proper range. I am trying my best to do what I am told to do. I want this decision I made to have the chance it deserves to do its magic but I have to be the one that makes that happen. If I hinder it in any way I will never know its true potential. I will make mistakes along the way but I need to learn from them. This surgery is a life changing journey. It could be the miracle for those of us that have been struggling to now have a chance to enjoy our days as fulfilling as they should be. I have talked to a lot of people that have had this surgery and even with some struggles we all agree this is a medical breakthrough and well perfected at this point. Looking back I have a hard time believing this took me almost 3 years to accomplish. Lots of reading, lots of research and lots of talking to people that had it done. Some with good and not so good stories but all pulling through. I wanted the total truth about all of this. Do not hide anything from me, please. I needed a surgeon that was compassionate but stern. I found her. Dr. Hamad, from McGee Woman's Hospital in Oakland, is the best I know for the person that I am. I need someone that meant business and no excuses for anything. She is gentle but upfront. She tells you what she wants (not expects) and then she lets you decide if you can do this. If you follow her instructions she is pleased and it shows her you really want to do this. And you ask, if you don't follow instructions, well................... lets just say after all the preparation, numerous testing and planning I would not want my surgery to be cancelled and she would. She will not take the gift that was given to her and not be able to give her patient 100% of herself if they do not do their part. She was perfect for me. "A Gentle Giant" for the petite woman that she is. Thank you Dr. Hamad. Two more days and my drain is out. The funny taste in my mouth is getting better and the liquid diet is not as fustrating as it was. Nevertheless, in two days I get "REAL FOOD" pureed but real. Just in time for Christmas. There should be something on the Christmas table for me to puree. I hope. ha ha ha.

December 16, 2005 (4 days post-op)

Dec 16, 2005

Hi ! ! ! It's me, it's me ! ! ! I am finally back at my computer. Not as much as I usually am but I'm here. Thank you to my Angel, Mary Ann. She really kept up with the information she had available for all of you. My angel is a very positive part of my life. Ok, well, I can't find too much to drink. Nothing tastes good to me but I keep drinking. I finally found a few things to drink. Chicken broth and sugar free snow cones. Great investment those Ice Crushers. I have had one for years, use it a lot but really use it now. I am walking 5 minutes every hour as ordered and doing my breathing exercises. I have never been happier as I am right now. The best is yet to come. This will be my routine until the 22nd of December when I get my drain removed. I will be allowed pureed foods. That should help my taste buds at that time. I thought the drain was going to be bothersome to me but it isn't. A nurse at the hospital showed me how to turn it into a necklace when I take a shower. It really worked and with little fuss. I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.

December 15

Dec 15, 2005

She's home everyone!!!! We brought her home yesterday and she looks great. She's been a very good girl and an excellent patient so far. She's trying to drink what she needs to and getting up and walking every hour for at least five minutes. Today she was up and got a shower and was able to empty her drain and she said she did well. Right now she's really tired, but I think anyone that has major surgery will go through that. Her mom is staying with her for awhile so she will make sure that everything goes well. Margie will be able to update this profile as soon as she is feeling up to it, but for right now.....thank you to everyone that offered their prayers and support to help get her through this. She is very excited about all the new changes in her life in the months to come. She sends her love to all of you!!!

December 13

Dec 13, 2005

WOW...... she's amazing!!!! Pulling through this right on schedule! I talked to her today and she passed her leak test, was up and walking around, sipping water, taking her medication and looking forward to her first meal of chicken broth and jello. Hopefully she'll be home right on schedule tomorrow and you can all help me welcome her home!!!

December 12

Dec 12, 2005

December 12

Hello, I am Mary Ann, Margie's angel. Today was her surgery, scheduled for 9:30 in the morning. All of her friends have been praying for her and waiting to hear the news of a successful surgery. It was a hard day, waiting to hear, and finally, around 430 pm I called her room and heard her sweet voice!!!! She sounded happy and so relieved that her surgery was over and went extremely well. She plans on walking tonight and so far is feeling great. I plan on going to visit her this evening and will write more once I have seen her. We are all so happy that the surgery was a success and now Margie is on her way to a healthier, happy life!!!

Late.....still December 12

Well.... back from my visit with Margie and she looks GREAT!!!! She's feeling pretty good and very relieved that the surgery is over and was a success. She got up tonight and walked all the way to the end of the hall and back to her room. Then she sat in a chair for an hour or so. She's looking forward to a positive outcome from her leak test tomorrow so that she can have some liquids. I'll let you know tomorrow about that, once I have the info for you, but for right now, everything is right on track!!!!!

December 12, 2005

Dec 12, 2005

TODAY'S THE DAY ! ! ! I can't believe I found time to journal before going to the hospital. It is 5:15 a.m. and I tossed and turned all night. I do that when I know I have to be somewhere important at a set time. I didn't go to bed until 1 a.m. I had to get everything done around the house before I left today. My mom will be staying with me and I didn't want her to have to do anything while she was here except pamper me. LOL. She will also be at the hospital along with my son, Rob (Rick will still be in college, this is final week) and my cousin Libby. My angel was supposed to be there but I talked her out of it. She would be rushed getting home to watch her grandson so I told her just to come and see me in the evening. She wanted to do what would make me peaceful. Just to see her will be great no matter when it is. Others will be coming to the hospital on Tuesday to walk the halls with me. If all goes well with little or no complications I will be home Wednesday, December 14th. Am I nervious? you ask. No not at all. I was more nervous the days leading up to today. It was hard to count down the days. Now that it is here I just want to go and do this and actually be called a "Loser" LOL. Never thought I would love that word. Well, everybody, have a great day. I know I will. It is snowing here and snowed all evening and through the night. My son and I will be leaving soon so we can take our time and avoid the Monday morning rush hour. My love to everyone. Got to go. It's time to be on the losing team! ! ! That sounds so good ! ! !

December 11, 2005

Dec 11, 2005

Well, today didn't go too bad. I got down both of my antibiotics at 5 and 6 with little problems. Some cramping due to the empty stomach . I think I will be able to get in the 11 p.m. pills. Then I am ready for tomorrow. I remember when I started mentioning that I was interested in Gastric Bypass Surgery, the responses were not always good. But that was 2 years ago. I researched for at least a year before committing to going ahead with the requirement of my insurance company. So I saw my PCP every month for 6 months and then I made an appointment with my surgeon. All information was sent to my insurance company , I was then approved within days. On from there we went. Now, here I am after 6 months of required tests and doctor visits. My surgery is tomorrow. Keep looking for updates. They will be posted as soon as my angel has information to post. Well, this is it for a little while for me. I will be back as soon as I can. Til then take care of yourself, be good to yourself and love life and each other. Life is good.

December 9, 2005

Dec 09, 2005

I got my call today. My surgery is set for 9:30 a.m. I have to be at the hospital by 7:30. After all the planning and testing and doctor visits it is really here. I am too excited to sleep. I have nervous energy. The weight loss will be great but to be able to walk again without pain and get off all my meds will be wonderful, a dream come true. I will be homebound all weekend preparing for surgery. Clean out my system and taking my antibiotics and being on a clear liquid diet for 2 days. I have finished decorating for Christmas but no gifts wrapped yet. A friend of mine, Mary Ann (my angel) will be coming to keep me company and wrap my gifts with me. She is also the one that will be updating my profile while I am recovering. When there is information to announce she will be doing that for me. Thank you Mary Ann. This will be a long weekend. But Monday will be here before we all know it and I will be on the "losing" team.

Dec. 6, 2005

Dec 06, 2005

I went for my final preop visit. Everything went well and I can proceed with surgery. I can't believe I am 6 days away from the "First day of the rest of my life." As soon as I get my surgery time I will let everyone know.

About Me
Natrona Heights, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 54
July 7, 2008
May 27, 2008
February 17, 2008
March 12, 2007
It's my 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! ! !
